Single frontal view of the abdomen shows multiple ingested radio-opaque iron pills. This 17-year-old female with altered mental status was found by her family with a bottle of vodka and mumbling “pills.” The patient was prescribed iron supplements after a spontaneous miscarriage 2 months ago. The patient was obtunded and intubated for airway protection. After this kidney, ureters, and bladder (KUB) radiograph, whole bowel irrigation was initiated via nasogastric tube. The patient’s serum iron rose as high as 350 μg/dL, but chelation therapy was initiated with deferoxamine because of an anion gap of 24, with a serum pH of 7.1 and her altered mental status. (Photo contributor: Ronak R. Shah, MD.) Source: Chapter 17. Toxicology, Atlas of Pediatric Emergency Medicine, 2e Citation: Shah BR, Lucchesi M, Amodio J, Silverberg M. Atlas of Pediatric Emergency Medicine, 2e; 2013 Available at: Accessed: November 09, 2017 Copyright © 2017 McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved