USI 5d Trivia Newell
How did colonial governors gain office. A. They were appointed. B How did colonial governors gain office? A They were appointed. B They were elected. C The office passed through blood lines, for example, father to son. D The office was auctioned to the wealthiest landowning male.
How did colonial governors gain office. A How did colonial governors gain office? A They were appointed by the King. B The office passed through blood lines, for example, father to son. C They were elected by the colonists. D The wealthiest landowning male in the colony was selected.
What was the effect of the colonies trading a raw material such as wood with England? A The shipbuilders of New England did not have enough wood for their shipbuilding. B England let the colonists trade with other European countries as well. C The forests in the New England colonies disappeared. D England traded goods like cloth, china plates, and tea with the colonies.
Why did the king send English colonial governors to enforce laws in the colonies? A The king wanted the colonists to know that he trusted them as British citizens. B Colonial governors were more respected coming directly from England. C The King wanted tight political control over the colonists and their legislatures. D Colonists wanted the colonies to be just like England.
Colonial legislatures were monitored by the - A. king B. governor C Colonial legislatures were monitored by the - A king B governor C queen D President
Speculate why the king sent his own English colonial governors to enforce English laws in the colonies. A The king knew that colonists wanted the colonies to be just like England. B The king wanted the colonists to know that he trusted them as British citizens. C The king knew that colonial governors were more respected coming directly from England. D The king wanted tight political control over the colonists and their legislatures.
England taxed the colonies after the French and Indian War because they needed the money to - A build new forts B pay for new soldiers C pay the war debt D build new homes
Which of the following explains the relationship between England and the colonies? A England allowed the colonies to elect their own governors. B England gave the colonies complete control over trade. C The colonies traded raw materials for finished goods. D Colonial legislatures were not allowed to pass any laws.
Why did the colonists refuse to buy British goods after the French and Indian War? A The House of Burgesses voted no. B The British King would not allow it. C Colonists did not want British goods. D Taxation without representation in Parliament.
Predict the reaction most Pennsylvania colonists might have when they learn their taxes have been doubled to help England pay for the French and Indian War. A They would sail to England to speak to Parliament about the matter. B They would be angry that England did not give colonists any choice in the matter. C They would gladly sell some of their cattle to get extra money to pay the taxes. D They would think it was a good idea since the British drove out the French.
The king sent English governors to enforce English laws in the colonies because he - A wanted colonists to know that he trusted them as British citizens B wanted tight political control over the colonists and their legislature C knew that colonists wanted the colonies to be exactly like England D knew that governors were more respected coming directly from England
Which example best describes the economic relationship of England and the colonies? A The colonists were subject to English law. B England provided the colonies with money. C The colonists paid England taxes. D The colonies traded raw materials for English goods.