LEEDS YORK ROAD SUMMARY MAP & INFO LINK Leeds York Road is a key route to the popular shopping destinations of Leeds main retail district and Leeds Trinity Shopping Centre capturing more than 5.5 million shoppers annually. Leeds is now the 4th largest shopping destination in the UK and 56% of the catchment population are in the top 3 most affluent ACORN groups. This 12 x 3 metre site makes for a dominant presence on the main road between Leeds and York LEEDS YORK ROAD SUMMARY IMPACTS* 431,428 FORMAT Landscape 96 SIZE 1 x 12m (w) x 3m (h) (36m²) LOOP LENGTH 6 x 10 seconds NETWORK N/A ROUTE ID 1235473538 Email: info@8outdoor.com | Call: +44 (0)20 3405 5754 *ROUTE 2016: Per fortnight, 100% sov
The site is just 1.54 miles from the city centre LEEDS YORK ROAD AUDIENCE INSIGHTS M F Ab Abc1 15-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55+ 48% 52% 31% 53% 21% 14% 22% 13% ACORN GROUP PROFILES Mature Money Index 115 vs. UK Average FAST FACTS This city bound facing screen, targets affluent commuters traveling into the retail hub The site is within the Golden Triangle, the most affluent area in Yorkshire The site is just 1.54 miles from the city centre Email: info@8outdoor.com | Call: +44 (0)20 3405 5754