Bull’s Eye Plan For Presentations Follow this time-tested presentational format and you may find that your grade will be better than expected or your boss might even give you a raise! You can not only use this in oral presentations, but you may also find it helpful in your written communications and in your general conversations.
Bull’s Eye Plan For Presentations Keep Your Message ON TARGET With This Easy Five-Step Plan Before you begin working on your presentation, first consider the type of person who will be in your audience. After you have considered the make-up of your typical listener, then you can begin to formulate your presentation using the following steps.
Bull’s Eye Plan For Presentations Step #1: Wake Up I- WAKE UP: Think of a question, which is related to your topic, that you can ask your listeners for them to think about. Phrase it in a way so it doesn't actually require them to answer you out loud.
Bull’s Eye Plan For Presentations Step #2: This Concerns You II-THIS CONCERNS YOU: You need to immediately explain to your audience what is within this topic that is important to them. If you can't think of anything that answers their questions of "what's in this for me," then change topics!
Bull’s Eye Plan For Presentations Step #3: Generally Speaking III- GENERALLY SPEAKING: Here is where you identify your topic. Give your listeners the "headlines" of your reason for speaking with them.
Bull’s Eye Plan For Presentations Step #4: For Example IV- FOR EXAMPLE: Now's the time to get specific with no more than three major points you wish to make during your presentation. Conclude with your listeners wanting to learn more rather than seeing their eyelids fluttering to stay open. There is an axiom in the world of presentations which goes like this: "Their minds can absorb only as much as their rear-ends can endure!"
Bull’s Eye Plan For Presentations Step #5: What To Do V- WHAT TO DO/HOW I FEEL: If you've done everything according to this format thus far, your listeners will want to know what it is that comes next. What do you want them to do? How do you feel about the topic or proposal you have just presented to them? At this point, you owe them an answer to at least one of these questions.
Bull’s Eye Plan For Presentations Keep Your Message ON TARGET Stay on track with the above five steps and you'll soon learn just how easy any presentation can become. Good luck!