The Aerospace Corporation Title 1) Font: Arial (boldface) 2) Size: 36 point 3) Format: Initial caps (capitalize each major word) The Aerospace Corporation Learning the Business of Aerospace Subtitle 1) Font: Arial (boldface) 2) Size: 24 point 3) Format: Initial caps (capitalize each major word) Corporate logo (required) File number (used only for charts produced by Graphics & Design) Point of contact e-mail address (optional) Page number (optional) Copyright (required) on title or first page of briefing (use the correct year)
Titles Are 24-Point Arial Bold, Initial Caps Subtitles Are 18-Point Arial Bold, Initial Caps Text is 18-point Arial bold, upper and lower case (capitalized like a sentence), no period at the end Second level of information is preceded by an en dash Third level of information is preceded by an en dash There should be more space between bulleted items than between the subparts of a bulleted item Corporate logo (required) File number (used only for charts produced by Graphics & Design) Point of contact e-mail address (optional) Page number (optional)