Putting on the Lord Jesus Christ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Putting On the Lord Jesus Christ I. Introduction II. Phase 1/Phase 2 Distinction III. Phase 1 – Salvation Foundation IV. Positional Truth V. Phase 2 – Spirituality VI. Conclusion 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Identification Truth Spirituality: A Complete Package by God’s Plan Phase 1/Phase 2 Crosswork Distinctions Reality through Reckoning The Question of Yielding Spirituality and Obedience: The Law Problem 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
Salvation Basics (Eph 2:1-10) Eternity Heaven Death/ Rapture
“The babe in Christ has started to live for the Savior and to serve Him with all his heart. ‘He gave His all for me, now the least I can do is give my all for Him.’ The motive is right, but the motivation is wrong! He is seeking to live and serve on the basis of the birth truths and in the strength and ability of self, not yet understanding that God judicially condemned and crucified the old nature at Calvary…The well-meaning believer is seeking to ‘save his life,’ not comprehending the spiritual principle, ‘If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow me.’” Part Five: A Guide to Spiritual Growth, Chapter 57, Keep Looking Down!, pp 257, 258 “Although the Christian has been positioned above, he is unaware of this fact when he comes to the Savior at the foot of the Cross... The usual exhortation they are given is, ‘Now get busy and serve the Lord.’ This they seek to do on the basis of the birth truths. From this inadequate ground the majority of young Christians go down in defeat. “Others, more thoroughly taught, move forward in the knowledge of their reconciliation to God, their acceptance in the Lord Jesus, as well as their completeness and eternal security in Him. Even with this firm foundation upon which to stand, they have yet to learn that more is needed.” Part Five: A Guide to Spiritual Growth, Chapter 56, Think Position!, p 254
“So many dear Christians just keep plodding (or racing) through the deadening routine of their multitudinous church activities and duties, expecting that in time self will change for the better as they grow. But self never changes into anything but more of the same! ‘That which is born of the flesh is flesh’ (John 3:6). ‘Sometimes this self is entirely bad, as when it is angry, spiteful, unkind, unjust, untruthful, unloving, catty. In other cases a good exterior conceals an evil heart, as when we are proud of our humility, conceited about our Christian service, boastful of our orthodoxy. And an overforwardness and obvious conceit at the sound of one’s own voice spoils many a prayer meeting.’” Part One, Ch 11, “Self-Denial”; pg 44
Elemental Principles of the World The Christian Life (Man’s Plight) Heavenlies Eternity Elemental Principles of the World Death/ Rapture Condition
“Our position, the source of our Christian life, is perfect “Our position, the source of our Christian life, is perfect. It is eternally established in the Father’s presence. When we received the Lord Jesus as our personal Savior, the Holy Spirit caused us to be born into Him. He created us in the position that was established through His work at Calvary. ‘Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature [creation]’ (2 Cor. 5:17). This is the eternal position in which every believer has been placed, whether he is aware of it or not. The Christian who comes to see his position in the Lord Jesus begins to experience the benefit of all that he is in Him. His daily state is developed from the source of his eternal standing. “Our condition is what we are in our Christian walk, in which we develop from infancy to maturity. Although our position remains immutable, our condition is variable. Through the exercise of faith, our eternal position (source) affects our daily condition, but in no way does our condition affect that heavenly position.” Part Two: Foundations of Spiritual Growth, Chapter 19, Position Defined and Illustrated, pp 77-78
Elemental Principles of the World The Christian Life (Man’s Plight) (God’s Plan) Position Heavenlies Eternity Think Positi on ! ve ! Elemental Principles of the World Death/ Rapture Condition
Identification Truth Spirituality: A Complete Package by God’s Plan Phase 1/Phase 2 Crosswork Distinctions Reality through Reckoning The Question of Yielding Spirituality and Obedience: The Law Problem 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
Identification Truth Spirituality: A Complete Package by God’s Plan Phase 1/Phase 2 Crosswork Distinctions Reality through Reckoning The Question of Yielding Spirituality and Obedience: The Law Problem 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12
Freed from Penalty of Sin Freed from Power of Sin
Forgiven in Christ Righteous in Christ Secure in Christ
Forgiven in Christ Righteous in Christ Secure in Christ Dead in Christ Raised in Christ Alive in Christ
“Can we now see where the failure began in our Christian walk “Can we now see where the failure began in our Christian walk? We had the knowledge of the justification truths for our new birth, and upon this ‘milk of the Gospel’ we sought to grow and serve. But there was defeat, because the foundation truths are for beginning only. Further knowledge was our need. We had simply gone beyond our teaching! We know the Lord Jesus as our Foundation, but not as our Life.” Part Four: The Realization of Spiritual Growth, Chapter 42, Knowledge of Reckoning, p 193
“For most of us it has been a long season of growth from the tiny green blade up to the ‘full corn in the ear.’ So many seek to settle for this stage: saved, with heaven assured—plus a pacifying measure of Christian respectability, at least in church circles… “Our Father understands all this, and it is He who takes the initiative in the matter. He drops the seed of dissatisfaction into our hearts; He begins to show us that there is far more to this Christian life than just being saved and active for Him. And it is necessary for Him to engineer our exchange from carnal kernel Christians to fruitful fellowshipping disciples.” “‘We often come across Christians who are bright and clever, and strong and righteous; in fact, a little too bright, and a little too clever—there seems so much of self in their strength, and their righteousness is severe and critical. They have everything to make them saints, except … crucifixion, which would mold them into a supernatural tenderness and limitless charity for others.’” Part One, Ch 14, “Process of Discipleship”; pp 57, 58
“For most of us it has been a long season of growth from the tiny green blade up to the ‘full corn in the ear.’ So many seek to settle for this stage: saved, with heaven assured—plus a pacifying measure of Christian respectability, at least in church circles… “Our Father understands all this, and it is He who takes the initiative in the matter. He drops the seed of dissatisfaction into our hearts; He begins to show us that there is far more to this Christian life than just being saved and active for Him. And it is necessary for Him to engineer our exchange from carnal kernel Christians to fruitful fellowshipping disciples.” “‘We often come across Christians who are bright and clever, and strong and righteous; in fact, a little too bright, and a little too clever—there seems so much of self in their strength, and their righteousness is severe and critical. They have everything to make them saints, except … crucifixion, which would mold them into a supernatural tenderness and limitless charity for others.’” Part One, Ch 14, “Process of Discipleship”; pp 57, 58