Jonathan Riddell Canonical Kubuntu Ubuntu KDE Qt and Qt Quick Jonathan Riddell Canonical Kubuntu Ubuntu KDE
A GUI toolkit to get passionate about Qt A GUI toolkit to get passionate about Cross platform Free Software culture Open Development LGPL or “commercial” API is everything
Qt Nokia
Qt Used to make KDE, Scribus, Google Earth, Adobe Photoshop Elements, Skype, HP Printer Tools... Most uses are internal
Hello World #include <QtGui/QApplication> #include <QtGui/QLabel> int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { QApplication a(argc, argv); QLabel label("Hello World");; return a.exec(); }
Cross Platform Write once compile for: Windows GNU/Linux, KDE, Gnome, Meego Every other Unix Mac Symbian Windows CE Android
Hello Python World from PyQt4.QtGui import * app = QApplication([]) label = QLabel("hello world") app.exec_()
Designer Slots and Signals Hello World 2 Designer Slots and Signals
More modules QtCore QtGui Phonon QtNetwork QtOpenGL QtScript QtSql QtSvg QtWebkit QtXml QtTest QtDBus QtDeclarative
QML QtDeclarative Qt Quick Designer
Hello Qt Quick World import Qt 4.7 Rectangle { width: 200 height: 200 Text { x: 66 y: 93 text: "Hello World" }
Components Transitions Hello Qt Quick World 2 Components Transitions
Qt Quick Examples Kontact Mobile
Qt Quick Examples
Qt Quick Examples Samegame Text 10.10
Questions? Qt, Qt Quick, KDE, Ubuntu, Kubuntu, Canonical... Qt and Qt Quick Questions? Qt, Qt Quick, KDE, Ubuntu, Kubuntu, Canonical...