Unit Topic: Methods of Research in Psychology Lesson Topic: Ethics in Research
Lesson Topic: Ethics in Research Research in psychology opens doors to understanding human thought and behavior. Through research, psychologists can learn how people will respond in situations, to different stimuli, or to medication or treatment. This understanding can be applied in a variety of ways. As important as psychological research is, it is equally important for researchers to follow strict guidelines for ethical standards. Researchers are responsible for carrying out plans that cause no emotional or physical harm and avoid bias.
Lesson Topic: Ethics in Research Do Now: Define ethics What does it mean to be ethical? What makes something unethical? Why would a psychology experiment be considered unethical?
Lesson Topic: Ethics in Research Vocabulary Look up and define the following terms as they relate to research in psychology: Ethics Bias Informed consent Limited deception Confidentiality Debriefing Withdraw Placebo effect Volunteer bias Expectancy bias Single blind study Double blind study
Activity 1: Explaining Ethical Concerns in Research Several of the most powerful and important experiments in psychology were also the most unethical. Although flawed, these experiments led to the rigid ethical standards that guide research in psychology today Your task: Based on the vocabulary terms that you have defined, research prominent psychological experiments that have been considered to be unethical (see list for suggestions). Which three (3) are the most unethical? Explain your choice using the language found in your vocabulary definitions. Be sure to describe what the ethical concerns are and (if possible) how the researchers attempted to or failed to resolve the problems.
Activity 1: Explaining Ethical Concerns in Research See Unethical Experiments article posted under assignments Possible experiments to consider include: Stanley Milgram’s - obedience to authority Wendell Johnson – Monster Study Monkey drug trials of the 1960’s – addiction, etc… Carney Landis – Facial Expressions Phillip Zimbardo – Stanford Prison Experiment John Watson – Baby Albert Harry Harlow – rhesus monkeys, attachment and contact comfort John Money – The case of David Reimer You are not limited by this list but, be sure to double check the information that you find. Bias is not only found in research!
Activity 2: How do researchers in psychology avoid issues of bias and ethical concern? Write up a mock research plan (based on what you have learned in previous lessons) describing how you could ethically test a new medication or treatment for depression. Describe the ethical concerns that may arise How will you deal with them?