Team Work - How To Be An Effective Team Player.
What Is Teamwork? Teams are group of people with complementary skills who are committed to a common purpose and hold themselves mutually accountable for its achievement.
What Is Teamwork? Successful teams are characterized by a team spirit based around; trust, mutual respect, helpfulness and -at best- friendliness.
What Is Teamwork? Simply bringing people together does not necessarily ensure they will function effectively as a team or make appropriate decisions.
What Is Teamwork? Teams are composed of people who have a variety of emotional and social needs which the team can either help to meet or frustrate.
Team Member – Types.
Team Member - Types Shaper - is driven, passionate and willful. He/she has a strong urge to perform, looks for challenges and gets things going. Shaper makes sure deadlines are made and goals are met, one way or the other. He/she can get frustrated and react angrily or emotionally.
Team Member - Types Planter - is the creative thinker of the team. Innovative and original. A free spirit who needs space to fantasize about new and surprising solutions to complex problems. Planter is not always practical and sometimes misses what others require from him/her.
Team Member - Types Monitor - is sensible, thoughtful and critical. The analyst of the team. He/she is always analyzing situations and wants to get to the bottom of things. As Monitor he/she may deliberate long and thoroughly and his or her judgment is rarely wrong.
Team Member - Types Specialist - is an immeasurable source of knowledge in his/her field. An advisor who is gladly consulted and will provide knowledge on a specific topic with pleasure and ease. His/her contributions to the team are his/her substantial knowledge and technical skills. Specialist thrives less well when working together and does not care for social activities that much.
Team Member - Types Resource Investigator - is the cheerful, extroverted person with lots of contacts within and outside the team. He/she is enthusiastic, adventurous and open-minded and always looking for new ideas. Resource Investigator is naturally good at developing and maintaining contacts, but may become careless when the novelty wears off.
Team Member - Types Coordinator - is the natural coordinator of the team. He/she looks after procedures, helps team members clarify intentions and summarizes what everyone wants. He/she has a nose for talent and knows how to utilize people to their full potential. Coordinator trusts others and delegates easily but sometimes has a tendency to leave too much work to others.
Team Member - Types Completer Finisher - has the talent to always feel what could go wrong. This leads to a lot of attention to details, checking and rechecking, and a tendency to perfectionism. He/she monitors the quality and safety, but can sometimes be overprotective and find it difficult to delegate things to others.
Team Member - Types Team Worker - is the most sensitive member of the team, helpful, accommodating and focused on creating a pleasant atmosphere and sense of togetherness. He/she prefers balance and harmony and is close to others. Team worker has difficulty with conflict and may have trouble taking decisions at critical times.
The Effective Team. Teams work best when there is a balance of primary roles and when team members know their roles, work to their strengths and actively manage weaknesses.
What’s Your Position? To achieve the best balance, there should be clear recognition of the roles each member plays in the team:
The Effective Team. As with Football, you can’t have only defenders or strikers in any one team. Each member must decide which role or attribute they will use to support the team.
The Effective Team. Get the right mix. One Coordinator or Shaper (not both) for leader A Planter to stimulate ideas. A Monitor/evaluator to maintain honesty and clarity.
The Effective Team. One or more Implementers, Team worker, Resource investigator or Completer/finisher to make things happen. NB: But where a team member has multiple attributes, use them to assist the team shine.