Purdue Agricultural Council Member Call Out Wednesday, October 19th 6:00 PM Lilly G-126
What is Ag Council? The Student Council of the College of Agriculture The umbrella organization that works to support all of the clubs within the College of Agriculture Advocate of club involvement and student interaction A driver of change within the College of Agriculture, by providing a media to exchange ideas and concerns
Mission Statement To unite and direct students and clubs in the College of Agriculture, providing educational enrichment and social interaction for all agricultural students and Purdue staff.
Ag Council Events and Activities Fall Events Ice Cream Social College of Ag Hog Roast Kiss the Pig Contest College of Agriculture t-shirt Contest Election of Officers Selection of New Members Spring Events Hot Chocolate Social Student Leaders Retreat Spring Fest Booth Moonlight Pancake Breakfast Spring Awards and Scholarship Banquet
Who is on the Council? Comprised of 20 of the top student leaders in the College of Agriculture Advisor: Dr. Marcos Fernandez, Associate Dean
Time Commitment & Responsibilities Meetings every other week Wednesday night from 5:30 to 7:00 PM Planning prior to hosting events Assisting with the events sponsored by the Ag Council Committee work and meetings outside of the Council meetings to develop new initiatives and ideas
Ag Council Term Explanation Membership is a two-year commitment, starting in the Fall of the year you are selected This year’s Council members will serve from December 2011 to December 2013 After serving one year on the Council, you will have the opportunity to run for an officer position Generally, freshmen and sophomores have the best chance to become Ag Council members because they are able to complete their entire term
Benefits of Being on the Council Help to better the College of Agriculture Very prestigious organization Gain extensive experience with working in teams, communicating, planning events, building friendships Network with College of Ag Faculty Work with great people on the Council Bolster your resume
What kind of students do we want for the next Ag Council members? Responsible Willingness to work Personable Dedicated to the Council Passionate for Ag and Purdue Good communicator Team player Problem Solver Leaders inside and outside of the classroom
How do I get on the Council? Application and interview process Not all applicants are guaranteed an interview Application reviewing is done blindly Ag Council petitions will be passed out after the call out The petitions, or applications, are due November 4th by 5:00 PM to Kelly Lough in AGAD Room 121 Applicants will receive a notification via email on whether they have received an interview
Concerns with Applicants Studying Abroad Graduation Year Conduct of Council Members
Advice for the Ag Council Petition Be thorough and insightful when answering questions Be yourself, do not just write what we “want to hear” Take your time, review your work Typewritten petitions are neater and easier to read
Thanks for coming! We wish you the best!