“An Almost-Forgotten Truth” Quiz Lesson 42 “An Almost-Forgotten Truth”
Which group worshiped God on the seventh-day Sabbath in the early 1800s? __ Seventh-day Adventists __ Seventh Day Baptists __ Methodists __ Lutherans __ Catholics __ Puritans __ Baptists
Choose the correct answer in each parenthesis: Rachel Oakes was a (Seventh-day Adventist; Seventh Day Baptist; Advent believer) who moved to (Poultney, Vermont; Boston, Massachusetts; Washington, New Hampshire) to live with her (mother; son; daughter). The preacher of the local church was (F. Wheeler; T. Preble; J. Bates).
Match the place names with the events. a) __ Washington, New Hampshire b) __ Fairhaven, Massachusetts c) __ Paris, Maine 1. Where Stowell and Andrews families lived. 2. Where the first Sabbath-keeping Adventist church was 3. Where Joseph Bates told Mr. Hall about the Sabbath
True or False? __ Galatians 6:1 tells us to point out errors gently. __ First Timothy 5:1 tells us to rebuke harshly. __ Pastor Wheeler found several Bible verses supporting keeping Sunday holy. __ Joseph Bates traveled to Frederick Wheeler’s home to learn about the Sabbath.
__ Don’t receive the beast’s mark. __ Babylon is fallen. Write “1” for the first angel’s message, “2” for the second, and “3” for the third. __ Don’t receive the beast’s mark. __ Babylon is fallen. __ Worship God; judgment has begun.
In Bible prophecy, what does a beast represent? What does water represent?
Write “1” if the phrase describes the first beast and “2” if it describes the second beast of Revelation 13. __ Comes up out of the sea--a populated area __ Looks like a lamb and speaks like a dragon __ Has 10 horns, 10 crowns, and 7 heads __ Sets up an image in honor of the beast __ Tries to force all to receive the mark of the beast __ Is worshiped by those not in the Book of Life
__ Allows no buying or selling without mark of the beast __ Comes up out of the earth--an unpopulated area __ Gets its power from the dragon __ Makes all worship the first beast __ Does miracles; fire from heaven __ Receives a fatal would that heals
__ Is followed by the whole world __ Blasphemes God __ Persecutes saints for 1260 years __ Deceives people living on the earth
Whom does the first beast represent? Whom does the second beast represent? Does the second beast, the gentle lamb, stay gentle? What chapter in Revelation describes these two beasts?