Grace Bible Church Glorifying God by Making Disciples of Jesus Christ
The Roman soldier wore special sandals to protect his feet and give him traction
We fight a clever adversary and must be prepared with the full armor of God to stand firm against Him
It can take a lot of work to make sure our belt of truth is on, but without it, we will fall for the devil’s lies
The imputed righteousness of Christ gives us confidence to come before God’s throne of mercy
Walking in practical righteousness protects us from the temptations of the devil
Feet shod with the preparation of the Gospel of Peace
What It is Not Context must determine the meaning of any passage The context is standing firm and resisting the devil’s attacks This is not talking about evangelism, but something that will protect us in spiritual warfare
What It Is eJtoimasiva / hetoimasia refers to being in the condition of readiness - prepared Being ready protects us from Satan. Not being ready makes us vulnerable to His attacks It is the gospel of “peace”
What It Is Peace is more than the absence of conflict Peace is a sense of well-being that transcends circumstances – Prov. 3:17 Numbers 6:26 Genesis 15:15
The Gospel of Peace The gospel brings peace with God that comes through being reconciled to Him through Jesus Christ – Romans 5:1 Ephesians 2:14-18 A truce would not have been enough because we would eventually have to pay the price of our sins
The Gospel of Peace The good news of being reconciled with God is the message of the Gospel of Peace We can be calm, regardless of any circumstance, temptation, lie, or persecution against us. Romans 8:28-39
The Protection of Peace God’s peace removes fear, one of the great weapons Satan wields against us. Gideon is the classic example of God enabling a man to overcome fear and accomplish great things Gideon is called a “valiant warrior” though he was fearful at the time - Judges 6:12
The Protection of Peace Gideon asks the Lord to perform two miracles to strengthen his faith & confidence God reduces Gideon’s army from 32,000 to 300. They will face 135,000 Midianites The 300 encircle the enemy camp, and when they shout, the fear & confusion results in 120,000 casualties
The Gospel of Peace We have nothing to fear when we are on God’s side - Romans 8:31 The devil cannot take you to hell with him - John 10:29-30 Satan cannot cause you to lose your salvation - Romans 8:38-39
The Gospel of Peace Some who think they are saved are not because they have a false gospel or a false Jesus We can suffer physically and die, but death no longer has the victory - 1 Cor. 15:55; Phil. 1:23-24 Satan threatens, but God is in control. Our joy is bound in Christ who has overcome the world - Jn 16:33
The Gospel of Peace We learn to be content in any circumstance - Phil. 4:10. We trust God’s provision - Rom. 8:32 We can yield up our anxieties in prayer and gain God’s peace - Phil. 4:6-7; 1 Peter 5:7 Matthew 10:28 - Only the Lord is to be feared - and as His adopted Children we need not fear Him
Conclusion Are your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace? Be controlled by truth, Live in righteousness, Stand firm in the peace of God.
Grace Bible Church Glorifying God by Making Disciples of Jesus Christ