Party youth organisations and their roles in Icelandic poltics Hafsteinn Einarsson Social Science Research Institute at the University of Iceland 12 May 2016
In this presentation … Youth and power Youth organisations … In society In the party And ideology The future of youth organisations Summary Examples from Icelandic politics Issues Tactics / strategy Changing times, technology
Political parties in Iceland The Independence Party Historically dominant in Icelandic politics – right wing (conservative/libertarian) The Progressive Party Influential (preferred coalition partner) – centrist (liberal/rural interests) Social Democratic Alliance Newly formed, „two towers,“ declining power – centre-left Left Green – left (socialism/environmentalism) Pirate Party – anti-systemic, rising power? – appeals to young voters
What kind of power? How can youth organization access power, if at all? Max Weber – Authority
One of these is not like the others …
Institutional qualities of youth organisations Mode of operation: party institution or pseudo-NGO? Dynamic Ideologically Technologically Institutional learning New members Party organisations – comparatively organised Level of autonomy from parent organisation
Three roles of youth organisations In society In the party Ideological position
Youth organisations in society Recruitment Media presence Traditional media Social media Comparative advantage in organisation relative to other civil organisations
Owning the issue Putting issues on the agenda Outdated policies / going a step further Aligning the youth organisation with the public, versus the institutional structure Beer, the EU, opposition to the Iraq war … what motivates the public to participate in party politics?
Youth organisations within the party From the party’s perspective Recruitment Training Instilling ideology From the youth organisations perspective Influence Access to party institutions Platform for political carreers
What is a successful strategy for a youth organization? Party culture determines the strategy Is stepping out of line punished or rewarded? “The shorts” Does youth recruitment increase by dissent? Public opinion often determines party policy, but dissent can bolster recruitment of enthusiastic youths Power relations within the party Does power lie with the party elite or the base?
Youth organisations and ideology Guardians of the “pure” ideology Trade deals with China Criticism of power relations Criticizing mother party by bashing coalition partners Applying ideology to new political situations Environmentalism
New politics – new ideology? Rejection of party control? Anti-systemic ideology Is it sustainable? Can established parties appeal to youth on new terms?
The future of party youth organisations? Cooperation with other youth organisations Issue appeal rather than ideological appeal Redefine intra-party relations Further evolvement of (social) media tactics
Summary Youth party organisations operate on different premises from … other youth organisations … other party institutions Party culture determines tactics Different roles (society, party, ideology) Rejection of established party politics – permanent or not?