How To Prevent the Church From Being Ineffective “Don’t Forsake Sound Doctrine” Revelation 2:12-17
I. An effective church must be firm in its beliefs. The people must remain true to the name of Christ. Pergamum – “where Satan’s throne is” In spite of particular wickedness In spite of evil opposition
I. An effective church must be firm in its beliefs. The people must not renounce their faith in Christ. They do not let anything mean more to them than Jesus. They do not deny the faith even if it leads to martyrdom.
II. An effective church must reject what conflicts with the Bible They must not allow deceptive teaching to creep in. Slight diversions can lead to cult involvement 2 Peter 1:20-21 Having the appearance of religion but denying the power of God. 2 Timothy 3:1-5
II. An effective church must reject what conflicts with the Bible They will be rewarded for taking a stand They will receive hidden manna Communion with God Nourishment They will receive a white stone with a new name written on it Fellowship with the Lord Membership