Absolutism vs limited monarchy Chapter 14 Review
Document that established only Lutherans and Catholicism could be practice in the HRE Peace of Augsburg
The Thirty Years’ War started out religious and then became political The Thirty Years’ War started out religious and then became political. In the end Calvinism could be practiced in the German states after the signing of this document Peace of Westphalia
French Calvinist Huguenots
Document issued by Henry IV that allowed Calvinism to be practiced in France Edict of Nantes
Obsessed with having France’s only religion be RC Catherine Medici
William and Mary were offered the throne of England to prevent succession by a Catholic monarch causing this bloodless invasion Glorious Revolution
Militant Catholic ruler obsessed with making England and the world Catholic Philip II
Foundation for Parliament to levy taxes and make laws was clarified under this document, as well as, the monarch and Parliament ruling jointly Bill of Rights
Established that people are not allowed to stay in jail without due cause Habeas Corpus
A system of government in which the ruler holds total power Absolutism
The first monarch to comprehend balance of power Elizabeth I
The Stuart kings: James I, Charles I, Charles II, and James II strongly believed in this theory contributing to absolutism. Divine Right of Kings
Originally written to protect the privileges of nobles this document laid the foundation for a constitutional monarchy in England Magna Carta
Common problem in most countries in the late 1500’s with regards to souring prices Inflation
Russian noble boyars
Russian czar that sent out emissaries to shop for a religion for all his subjects Ivan IV
The czar that faced resistance from the boyars to Europeanize (westernize) Russia Peter the Great
Louis XIV finance minister Jean-Baptiste Colbert
Colbert sought to increase the wealth and power of France by following the theory of Mercantilism
Name two rulers that are an example of politique (putting the state above religion) Henry IV and Elizabeth I