Yoel Kortick Aleph Support Manager Publishing the sub library and the collection to Primo V21 rep_ver 0174369 (downgrade to V20 RC 003695) Yoel Kortick Aleph Support Manager
Introduction Note: Primo version 3.1.2 (released the week of Dec. 26, 2011) is required to see this in Primo.
Introduction Until now when multiple items existed with the same sub library and different collections only one AVA field was created per sub library, and it included only one of the collections. Therefore there was not one AVA field for each unique combination of sub library and collection.
For example (from tab_expand): Introduction Now there is a new parameter which may be used in tab_expand in conjunction with expand_doc_bib_avail called “COLLECTION=Y”. For example (from tab_expand): FULL expand_doc_bib_avail THRESHOLD=020;AVA=YK,RE;COLLECTION=Y When this is present an AVA field will be created for each combination of sub library and collection
Bibliographic record 50113 has 5 items Example Bibliographic record 50113 has 5 items There are 2 different sub libraries. There are 4 unique combinations of sub library and collection
4 unique combinations of sub library and collection Example 4 unique combinations of sub library and collection HYL East Asian Sub Library CDROM CD Rom Collection HYL East Asian Sub Library GEN General Collection LIT Economics Sub Library GEN General Collection LIT Economics Sub Library LIBNO Librarian’s Office Collection
Configuration (before the new option) Here is the tab_expand configuration for expand_doc_bib_avail (before new option) ! 1 2 3 !!!!!!!!!!-!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!-!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!> FULL expand_doc_bib_avail THRESHOLD=020;AVA=YK,RE FULL expand_doc_primo_plk FULL expand_doc_bib_accref_1 FULL expand_doc_bib_hol_ana FULL expand_doc_bib_hol -001,002,003,004,005,006,008
Results (before the new option) Two AVA fields are created (one for each sub library) AVA L $$aUSM50$$bHYL$$cCD-ROM$$d296.4 YLK$$eavailable$$tAvailable$$f2$$g0$$hN$$i0$$jCDROM AVA L $$aUSM50$$bLIT$$cLibrarian's Office$$d296.4 YLK$$eavailable$$tAvailable$$f3$$g0$$hN$$i0$$jLIBNO Here we do not see the HYL sub library and CDROM collection combination We also do not see the LIT sub library and GEN collection combination
Configuration (after the new option) Here is the tab_expand configuration for expand_doc_bib_avail with the new option ! 1 2 3 !!!!!!!!!!-!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!-!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!> FULL expand_doc_bib_avail THRESHOLD=020;AVA=YK,RE;COLLECTION=Y FULL expand_doc_primo_plk FULL expand_doc_bib_accref_1 FULL expand_doc_bib_hol_ana FULL expand_doc_bib_hol -001,002,003,004,005,006,008 The parameter COLLECTION=Y is the new option
Configuration (after the new option) Now we have four AVA fields: 1 for each unique combination of sub library and collection AVA L $$aUSM50$$bHYL$$cCD-ROM$$d296.4 YLK$$eavailable$$tAvailable$$f1$$g0$$hN$$i0$$jCDROM AVA L $$aUSM50$$bHYL$$cGeneral$$d296.4 YLK$$eavailable$$tAvailable$$f1$$g0$$hN$$i0$$jGEN AVA L $$aUSM50$$bLIT$$cGeneral$$d296.4 YLK$$eavailable$$tAvailable$$f2$$g0$$hN$$i0$$jGEN AVA L $$aUSM50$$bLIT$$cLibrarian's Office$$d296.4 YLK$$eavailable$$tAvailable$$f1$$g0$$hN$$i0$$jLIBNO
THANK YOU! Yoel.Kortick@exlibrisgroup.com Check out public segmentations 12 12