Coordinated Employer/Business Services Policy TRAINERS: Before conducting this training, please provide your training participants with a copy of the policy, and the desk aid and the Monitoring Tool for this policy. SCWDC Policy 06-09 Training Delivery Design: Group
Today’s Agenda Policy Introduction Business Service Staff Responsibilities General Staff Responsibilities Elements of the Business Services Plan Read the Policy Play Jeopardy! Group Delivery SCWDC 06-09
Purpose This policy provides standards for delivering a minimum menu of consistent and coordinated services to businesses at your site. Group Delivery SCWDC 06-09
Business Services Staff Responsibilities Are trained on the Basic Business Services Menu Are knowledgeable of all the Basic Business Services or able to make appropriate referrals where the service can be accessed Follow the established system of outreach to employers Utilize SKIES or appropriate local recording system to: create and manage job orders record employer contacts document the services provided to employers Information to share with trainees: Appendix A to the policy outlines the Basic Business Services. In addition, the Desk Aid lists the services and what staff are responsible for them. LOCAL NOTE: Last bullet regarding Utilize SKIES – if your site’s Business Services Staff does not enter job orders, they should understand and follow the local job order procedure. Group Delivery SCWDC 06-09
Your Business Services Team The Business Services Team includes representatives from partners such as these: SCWDC DVR Entrust Community Services OIC Northwest Community Action Center People for People WorkSource Columbia Gorge WorkSource Kittitas WorkSource Sunnyside WorkSource Yakima Optional: Share with trainees the names of staff from the offices above who are on the Business Services Team. Group Delivery SCWDC 06-09
General Staff Responsibilities You are responsible for providing access to these Business Services: Labor market information Job listings Applicant referral (applicant referral means jobseeker referral to employers) Question: How would you provide this access? Answer: General Staff are responsible for providing this subset of Appendix A, Basic Business Services. 1) Ask attendees share how would they provide access to each item listed above and have them write down resources new to them. 2) Click on the link on the bottom of this slide and demonstrate for attendees how to access the different information. Group Delivery SCWDC 06-09
General Staff Responsibilities Cont. You are also responsible for directing customers in need of business services to appropriate staff. Question: Where can you find a list of business services and staff responsible for them? Answer: Your Desk Aid 1) Ask attendees share how would they provide access to each item listed above and have them write down resources new to them. 2) Click on the link on the Desk Aid Link and demonstrate for attendees how to access the different information. ACTIVITY: Have participants fill in the blanks on Our Local Coordinated Business Services template on the second page of the Desk Aid. Group Delivery SCWDC 06-09
Additional Business Services Provided Facility access for employers is provided at your local WorkSource site. This includes: A professional environment for recruitment and interviewing Computers Internet access Staff assistance Note for trainees: Open access to WorkSource facilities is provided to employers by all staff. Group Delivery SCWDC 06-09
Business Services Plan Elements Your local WorkSource office has a Business Services Plan that: Defines roles, responsibilities and primary deliverables of each WorkSource partner providing services to businesses such as outreach, job development, and business services Establishes targets so that a reasonable percentage of jobs listed in SKIES match the skills of job seekers Analyzes the local labor market, and reflect industry sectors important to the region Establishes targets for serving employers with occupations in demand Describes the process for regularly reporting on performance and meeting established targets Links by reference to the South Central Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) and Local Operations Plan General Staff can refer these kinds of service requests to management. Note: The Business Plan is a document that is subject to change. Group Delivery SCWDC 06-09
Alex says, “Click this box to access the Desk Aid.” Let’s Play Jeopardy! Alex says, “Click this box to access the Desk Aid.” You will need the hard copy of the policy. Your Desk Aid will also be helpful. Take 10 minutes to review the policy and your Desk Aid then we will begin the game. To play Jeopardy, click HERE. Give trainees 10 minutes to review materials. Click on the link to begin the game. Group Delivery SCWDC 06-09
Thank You! Thanks for your time and thoughtful responses today! Documentation is maintained for staff training on SCWDC policies. So … One more slide to go … FYI: We’re going to post test you in a few months. So please refer to this training! Group Delivery SCWDC 06-09
Group Delivery SCWDC WS 06-09 Documentation Time! Please go to the Survey Monkey survey created to document your participation in this training. The survey provides you an opportunity to provide us with feedback about the training while also providing your WorkSource Center the required documentation of staff training. We appreciate your going to this website and filling out this very short questionnaire! Group Delivery SCWDC WS 06-09