Introduction to Informative or Expository Essay Writing Essay Maps
Learning Target: I can organize an essay by using an essay map as part of my thesis.
Essential Question: How do I ensure my thesis is an effective organizational tool for my writing?
EXPOSITORY WRITING informs, explains, clarifies, or defines.
Expository/Informative Thesis Statement Topic Your idea(s) about the topic. Thesis Statement
Thesis Examples (2009-2010) Prompt: Compare and contrast the experiences of two different racial groups in America. Weak Theses: Too broad: African-Americans and Native-Americans were discriminated against. Too narrow: African-Americans worked as slaves on plantations in the south while Native-Americans were forced to live on reservations. Off topic: Slavery is immoral. Strong Thesis: The acts of discrimination African-Americans and Native-Americans experienced were uniquely challenging for each group; however the reasons behind their discrimination and their responses to it were largely similar.
Review: Thesis Statement – Purpose Central idea – topic, subject, the main idea, point or focus that controls the writing or essay. Organizer – Essay map – plan or framework for the essay. Tells, explains or describes how: you are going to show or develop the controlling idea of the essay. you are going to present or organize support for your central idea or main focus.
Essay Map An essay map should list the main ideas or “headings” of your essay. In a shorter essay, an essay map should be a “road map” for the topic sentences of each body paragraph. In a longer paper, an essay map should be a “road map” for each major section or part of your paper, where each part includes several paragraphs. The order you present ideas in your essay map is the order they should appear in your essay.
a lot of people skateboard Idea #2: it is a healthy exercise Idea #3: Thesis & Essay Map: Skateboarding is an important sport because a lot of people skate, it is a healthy exercise, and it gives people a free feeling. Idea #1: a lot of people skateboard Idea #2: it is a healthy exercise Idea #3: it gives people a free feeling Conclusion
Thesis Statement & Essay Map Answering a Prompt: Thesis Statement & Essay Map Prompt: Example: We all have a place where we imagine or go when we want to be alone and relax. Use this part of the prompt in your thesis statement. One place I go when I want to be alone or relax is my bedroom. Write an essay explaining what your place is like, why you go there, and why this place is your favorite. Use this part of the prompt to write your essay map. My bedroom is comfortable, far away from my little brothers, and it is quiet and private.
Practice Highlight the prompts on your homework worksheet. Use two different color highlighters. Highlight the part of the prompt that points to the thesis statement in one color. Highlight the part of the prompt that points to the essay map in another color.
Essay Map Structure Essay map: previews the main supporting ideas of your essay (thesis). The essay map can be part of your thesis statement. It can also be a separate sentence after your thesis statement, if including it in your thesis makes the sentence too long and awkward. Regardless of where your essay map is, expository and persuasive essays MUST have one!
Examples: Expository thesis statement: Skateboarding is an important sport. Part of thesis (1 sentence): Skateboarding is an important sport because a lot of people skate, it is a healthy exercise, and it gives people a free feeling. Separate sentence (2 sentences): Skateboarding is an important sport. It is important because a lot of people skate, it is healthy exercise, and it gives people a free feeling.
Thesis and essay map: 1 sentence Rewrite the following 2 sentence thesis and essay map in 1 sentence: Thesis – answering the prompt: If I was a principal, I would hire people who are qualified to be good teachers. Essay Map – preview three body paragraphs: I would not want someone mean, but someone who works well with kids, and who will always try to make learning fun.
Thesis and essay map: 2 sentences Rewrite the following 1 sentence thesis and essay map in 2 sentences. Be sure to have the first sentence answer the prompt and the second sentence lay out the plan for three body paragraphs. Having a million dollars would be fantastic because I would build a Willy Wonka factory, use the chocolate to feed children, and put the rest of the money in the bank.