Evolutionary Computing 2010-2011 Guszti Eiben Selmar Smit Ruben Balk
The course Lectures 2x a week (wed + fri 9-11) Written exam (open book) – grade A Programming assignment Presentation / competition – grade B or Special R&D track – grade B Final grade G = ¾ * A + ¼ * B (if A > 5.5 and B > 5.5)
Support People: Guszti Eiben www.cs.vu.nl/~gusz/ Selmar Smit www.cs.vu.nl/~sksmit/ Ruben Balk r.s.balk@student.vu.nl Book: Eiben-Smith, Introduction to Evolutionary Computing, Springer, 2007 Web: blackboard (bb.vu.nl), incl. Slides Old exams Stuff for programming assignment
Aims Understand the main principles of evolution and evolutionary problem solving Learn about different evolutionary algorithms Hands-on experience with using evolutionary algorithms FUN
Course evaluation