What can you remember about Dave’s Day? Ask students to see how much of the Dave’s Day story they can remember from last lesson in pairs.
Dave’s Day Learning Objective: To able to think about your lifestyle and make healthier choices. I can explain why it is important not to skip meals. I can identify the 5 food groups on the eatwell plate. I can suggest a healthy alternative to Dave’s evening meal.
Dave’s Day Dave’s alarm went off at 6:45am. He over slept and woke up in a panic, realising he was late for work. He got dressed quickly and jumped in the car. He didn’t have time for breakfast so he had an energy drink in the car. When he got to work he parked right next to the office and ran in just in time. As he ran to his desk he saw his boss looking at him. Dave worked on his computer all morning. Because he was late to work he wanted to make it up to his boss so he ate his lunch at his desk. Because he was running late he hadn’t packed a lunch. Luckily there was a vending machine. He worked on his computer for the rest of the day and at 5:00pm he drove home. That was a busy day! Dave was exhausted and so hungry on the way home and all he wanted to do was relax this evening. He couldn’t be bothered to cook so he stopped at the take away on the way home. He ordered loads because he was so hungry. Dave ate his food in front of the TV. Once he had finished he turned on his PlayStation and played until 9:30pm. His tummy was grumbling! Must have been that early dinner. He made some beans on toast as a snack. He was keen to get to bed a bit earlier because of his stressful morning so he took himself up to bed after his snack. Just as he was settling down in bed his phone lit up on his bedside table. It was a Facebook notification. His friend had shared a really funny video of a bulldog riding a skateboard. It was hilarious. He commented on it and shared it with is friends. Under the video was another one with a water skiing squirrel! Unbelievable! He watched a few more funny videos and then put his phone down again. It was 11:00pm when Dave settled down to go to sleep. He rolled around for about half an hour and then finally drifted off at around 11:30. Remind students of Dave’s Day.
What is your metabolism? Improve Dave’s Lunch Skipping lunch is good for weight control because you are eating less calories. Do you agree? What is your metabolism? Why is lunch important? Dave worked on his computer all morning. Because he was late to work he wanted to make it up to his boss so he ate his lunch at his desk. Because he was running late he hadn’t packed a lunch. Luckily there was a vending machine. He worked on his computer for the rest of the day and at 5:00pm he drove home.
15 hours since Dave’s last meal! Dave’s Lunch Your brain runs mostly on glucose. Skipping lunch makes your blood sugar levels drop so your brain starts to starve! Good luck in that P5 Math's lesson with a starving brain! Hangry? Your mood also drops with your blood sugar. Your body goes into a primitive survival mode because it thinks that you are starving. You become snappy and moody. Good luck to your P5 Teacher when you’re Hangry! You are way more likely to overeat at your next meal. Your body then stores more of the fat. Care about your hair and skin? Food means nutrients for your body. 15 hours since Dave’s last meal! Go through why it is important for students not to skip lunch.
Skipping Meals A friend tells you they are going to skip lunch because they can’t be bothered to queue up in the canteen for food. How are you going to convince them about the importance of eating lunch in 30 seconds? Ask students to work in pairs for this. Give each of them 30 seconds to imagine they are convincing someone not to skip lunch based on what they have just learned. Get a couple of students to share these with the class.
Dave’s Day Learning Objective: To able to think about your lifestyle and make healthier choices. I can explain why it is important not to skip meals. I can identify the 5 food groups on the eatwell plate. I can suggest a healthy alternative to Dave’s evening meal.
Improve Dave’s Evening Meal Is beans on toast a good late night snack? How would your group suggest that Dave could have spent his evening in a more healthy way? What is the ‘eat well plate’? There are 5 different categories of food. Can you name them? That was a busy day! Dave was exhausted and so hungry on the way home and all he wanted to do was relax this evening. He couldn’t be bothered to cook so he stopped at the take away on the way home. He ordered loads because he was so hungry. Dave ate his food in front of the TV. Once he had finished he turned on his PlayStation and played until 9:30pm. His tummy was grumbling! Must have been that early dinner. He made some beans on toast as a snack.
The Eatwell Plate Which foods do what? Explain to students about the eatwell plate – how their diet needs to contain a variety of foods to maintain a healthy diet. Show the clip if you want more information. Also look at the proportion of which groups of foods should be eaten in. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7MlE4G8ntss
You are going to create a 10 question quiz for the person next to you. The Eatwell Plate Quiz You are going to create a 10 question quiz for the person next to you. You need to think of 10 different foods or drinks. They need to decide which category of the eatwell plate they fit into. Try to make it as difficult as you can – think of some obscure vegetables, cheeses etc. The categories are: Fruit and vegetables Meat, fish, eggs and beans (protein) Bread, rice, potatos and pasta (starchy foods) Food and drink high in fat and/or sugar Milk and dairy foods Students need to write their quiz then test the person next to them.
Dave’s Day Learning Objective: To able to think about your lifestyle and make healthier choices. I can explain why it is important not to skip meals. I can identify the 5 food groups on the eatwell plate. I can suggest a healthy alternative to Dave’s evening meal.
Improve Dave’s Evening Meal It is important to remember we can still enjoy the foods we love but we can start choosing some healthier alternatives. Watch how Jamie Oliver makes his superfood chicken curry. Why is this a healthier alternative to Dave’s takeaway and beans on toast? Explore healthier alternatives to Dave’s evening meals. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2kl3Liy5jcQ
Improve Dave’s Lunch and Evening Consequences Use your consequences piece of paper from last lesson. Each time you write something you will need to fold it over and pass it to the person next to you. Improve Dave’s Lunch and Evening Finish the sentences: Dave started feeling hungry at 1:00pm so decided to have … His friend told him they were going to carry on working and skip lunch but Dave replied … He left work at 5:00pm and went to the shop to buy ingredients for dinner. He bought … Before dinner Dave wanted to be healthy so he… Using his ingredients Dave made … Dave finished his dinner and said it was … Students are to play a game of consequences. They will each need their piece of paper from last lesson. When the sentence starter comes up they need to finish it, fold over their paper and then pass it to the person next to them. They will then complete the next sentence on the piece of paper they have been handed and so on. Students need to keep hold of the piece of paper they end up with for next lesson.
Dave’s Day Learning Objective: To able to think about your lifestyle and make healthier choices. I can explain why it is important not to skip meals. I can identify the 5 food groups on the eatwell plate. I can suggest a healthy alternative to Dave’s evening meal.