RDQ 2 Aligning & Integrating Mental Health & PBIS Discussion Leaders: Kelly Perales, Katie Pohlman & Erin VanAcker, Midwest PBIS Network (IL)
Aligning & Integrating Mental Health & PBIS RDQ 2 Aligning & Integrating Mental Health & PBIS The purpose of this RDQ session is to explore and discuss you current experiences and challenges to align and integrate mental health and PBIS. Guiding questions: Teaming: What teams/conversations do community mental health providers participate on in your state/district/building? What Barriers exist to community mental health providers participating? Data-Based Decision Making: What community data do you currently use to expand school-wide decision making? What sources of data are used to determine need and select interventions at Tier II and III? Cross-Training and Planning: How are all school and community employed staff trained on mental health? What does cross-training for school and community partners look like? Are all school and community employed staff trained to implement mental and behavior health interventions?
Aligning & Integrating Mental Health & PBIS RDQ 2 Aligning & Integrating Mental Health & PBIS Guiding questions: Intervention Selection, Implementation and Progress: Which tier are interventions strongest to meet student’s behavioral, social and emotional needs? What tiers are lacking interventions? What behavioral, social, and emotional needs are not being met by current interventions? What process is used to select interventions? Family and Youth Engagement: How are family and youth voice represented on teams? How are family and youth voice present in selecting, implementing, and modifying interventions? How are family included in interventions?