The Movement Begins Acts 1-11
30-35AD_______________________________62 AD______________________67AD
How did the Movement Start? Jesus’ final instructions (1:1-8) Jesus’ ascension of Jesus (1:9-11) The choosing of Judas’ replacement (1:12-26) The Day of Pentecost (2:1-41)
How did God use the early Church as witness? The faithful witness of the church demands a clear message (2:38). The faithful witness of the church was powered by the Holy Spirit (1:8; 2:1-13, 18, 38; 4:8; 7:55; 8:17 10:44). The faithful witness of the church was guided by God’s providence (4:5- 22). The faithful witness of the church is inclusive (2-5; 8:4-40; 10:1-11).
How did God use the early Church as witness? The faithful witness of the church spread worldwide (Acts 1:8) The faithful witness of the church causes suffering (5:41-42; 7:54-60; 11:28) The faithful witness of the church demands integrity (5:1-11) The faithful witness of the church demands unity (2:42-47; 4:32-37; 5:12-14) The faithful witness of the church brings great results (1:41; 4:4)