This project is co-funded by the European Union I3U “Investigating the Impact of the Innovation Union“ Kick off meeting - 10 March 2015 Venue: ISIS – Institute of Studies for the Integration of Systems Largo dei Lombardi, 4 00186 Rome, Italy This project is co-funded by the European Union
WP7: EIP and Leveraging policies externally WP7 main objective: to evaluate the direct and dynamic effects of the EU policy actions that promote stronger cooperation in innovation activities, both: internal cooperation (among partners from EU countries), and external (with third countries).
WP7: EIP and Leveraging policies externally Specific objectives: Identification of the effect of the European Innovation Partnerships (EIPs) on accelerated R&D and commercialization of innovations, aiming to tackle major societal challenges. Assessment of the effects of integrated policies of the EU and its MS on attracting highly skilled academics, researchers and innovators from third countries. Assessment if EU’s scientific cooperation with third countries (esp. BRIC, the US, and Western Balkans) enables Europe to access foreign sources of knowledge in order to tackle global challenges. Evaluation of short-term, direct impacts and medium to longer-term indirect impacts of the development of (together with international partners) Global Research Infrastructures (GRI).
Commitments in WP7 and responsible organisation WP7 is coordinated by WERI-SGH. It covers two main areas: pooling internal EU resources and efforts through European Innovation Partnerships (Commitment #29 (responsible partner: WIIW) global innovation cooperation: Commitment #30. Retaining and Attracting International Talent (TIK) Commitment #31. Scientific Cooperation with Third Countries (EIZ) Commitment #32. Roll-out global research infrastructures (WERI-SGH)
Tasks description Task 7.1 – Defining the key channels, together with corresponding indicators, of potential impact of commitments on: strengthening internal cooperation through European Innovation Partnerships (Commitment #29) benefiting from foreign sources of knowledge and developing scientific cooperation at the global level (commitments #30-32) The completion of this task will lead to answering the following questions: What are the mechanisms, through which direct and indirect impact of individual commitments potentially could occur? How could they help to address societal and global challenges (e.g., to help filling knowledge and information gaps, reducing information and knowledge asymmetries, mobilising partners/stakeholders to share the risks of new ventures addressing societal challenges, etc.)? What are the quantitative indicators that measure the various types of impact of commitments #29-32 with respect to their objectives? (existing indicators or new indicator that could be developed)
Task 7.1 – Defining the key channels, together with corresponding indicators…. INDICATORS - group A …. INDICATORS – group B ……. Strengthening internal cooperation through European Innovation Partnerships (Commitment #29) Foreign sources of knowledge and developing scientific cooperation at the global level (attracting foreign talents; international cooperation in science - Commitments #30-32) Societal and global challenges inequality social exclusion unemployment the ageing of the EU population climate change food security -…. New knowledge generation Innovation Knowledge and technology transfer Commercialization Spillovers …..
Initial commitment map – an example (for Commitment 32 Initial commitment map – an example (for Commitment 32. Towards Global Research Infrastructures)
Tasks description Task 7.2 – Review of actions that have been undertaken in order to implement the Innovation Union commitments #29-32 and collecting available data relevant to an impact of these commitments on innovation (task leader: WERI-SGH) To what extent each of the commitments (#29-32) have been achieved so far? (databases for indicators of group A) Collecting data allowing to measure the results of undertaken activities in innovation, especially in the perspective of solving global challenges (databases for indicators of group B)
Tasks description Task 7.3 – Analysis of the direct impact of implementation of the commitments #29-32 on the indicators identified in Task 7.1. The possible methods: Multi Criteria Analysis In-depth interviews based on a questionnaire Case studies, and other descriptive methods, like causal chain analysis Other methods? (input from partners responsible for individual commitments needed) Task 7.4 – Conclusions on the measurable impacts of commitments #29-32 on the EU innovativeness and integration of the findings with the European innovation eco-system, together with providing quantitative inputs to the aggregate model
Deliverables D7.1 - Literature Review and Data Collection (Month10, i.e. Dec. 2015) D7.2 - State of Implementation and Direct Impact Assessment (Month 22 , i.e. Dec. 2016) D7.3 - Integration in the Eco-System (Month 30, i.e. August 2016)
Relation with other workpackages Inputs / assistance provided to other workpackages: WP 9: Integration – The European Innovation System WP 10: Macro-Sectoral Economic Modelling (indicators and data for the aggregate model) Inputs /assistance needed from other workpackages: -
Resources UM-MERIT: 1.5 person/months SEURECO: 2 person/months The Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies (WIIW): 5 person/months (Commitment 29) The University of Oslo, The Centre for Technology, Innovation and Culture (TIK): 5 person/months (Commitment 30) The Institute of Economics, Zagreb (EIZ): 6 person/months (Commitment 31) Warsaw School of Economics, World Economy Research Institute (WERI-SGH): 10 person/months (commitmnet 32 and WP7 coordination)
Immediate actions Describing the economic rationale of commitments #29-32 (June 2015) Initial commitment map (June 2015) Characteristics of mechanisms and channels of their impact – a literature review (September 2015) Selecting (developing) relevant indicators (October 2015) Gathering information about available databases and data collection (November 2015)
Open points Sectors that should be covered (for which committments should be used sectoral approach?) Geographical coverage?
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