Ensuring the Quality of your Journey in Teaching and in Learning by Dr. Cile Chavez e
Ensuring the Quality of your Journey in Teaching and in Learning by Dr. Cile Chavez e
ESSENCE Cile Chavez Consulting, Inc.
Beliefs Attitudes ESSENCE Principles Spirit Values Attitudes ESSENCE Principles Spirit Cile Chavez Consulting, Inc.
ESSENCE Cile Chavez Consulting, Inc.
Roles & Responsibilities Culture Relationships ESSENCE Life Experiences Roles & Responsibilities Cile Chavez Consulting, Inc.
The Landscape of Education More complex than simple More challenging than effortless More difficult than easy More frustrating than carefree More expectations than time More tests than judgments
Considerations to ensure the quality of your journey Be true to yourself and have the courage to live it out. Be of service to others .
Invite, nurture, and celebrate relationships that add value Initiate life affirming actions Write and select your scripts for life
Always look for the Heart Among Stones
The Four Agreements Be impeccable with your word Don’t take anything personally Don’t make assumptions Always do your best Miguel Ruiz
Every time you are in the presence of another or others, we have the opportunity to develop relationships that elevate the human spirit. It is a matter of choice.
We elevate the human spirit when we: Honor and value the presence, experiences, stories, and truths of others. Behave in an inclusive and fair-minded way. Demonstrate that we care how our attitudes, decisions and actions will effect others. Seek out the perceptions, opinions and ideas of others regardless of title and role. Establish a reputation of being trustworthy, honest, and optimistic. Cile Chavez August. 2006
Initiate Life Affirming Actions