Welcome to Comprehensive Health Assignments Due: Mon April 3, 2017 Today’s Agenda: Tuesday – 4-square packets due – 50 points Friday – Unit 4 Test Warm-up Finish 4-square packet Essential Question: What are the functions and components of the 10 basic body systems? Objective: I will review the body systems for the test this Friday.
Warm-up The hormone that regulates blood sugar The thin tissue on the outside of bones Glands in the skin that secrete oil The master gland that controls the other glands Specialized muscle tissue found only in the heart Connective tissue that attaches bones together The tubes that connect the kidneys to the bladder The structures where pathogens are destroyed The microscopic air sacs in the lungs They carry messages from the brain to the body Lymph Nodes Pituitary gland Motor Neurons Insulin Alveoli Ureters Cardiac tissue Subaceous Glands Ligaments Periosteum Make sure your 4-square packet is turned in to the class basket BEFORE you start your warm-up
Welcome to Comprehensive Health Assignments Due: Tue April 4, 2017 Today’s Agenda: 4-square packets DUE TODAY Friday – Unit 4 Test Warm-up Body Systems Jeopardy Essential Question: What are the functions and components of the 10 basic body systems? Objective: I will review the body systems for the test this FRIDAY.
Warm-up – Yes, this is a repeat… it should be easy this time!!!
Welcome to Comprehensive Health Assignments Due: Tue April 4, 2017 Today’s Agenda: 4-square packets DUE TODAY Friday – Unit 4 Test Warm-up Body Systems Partner Challenge Body Systems Bingo Essential Question: What are the functions and components of the 10 basic body systems? Objective: I will review the body systems for the test this FRIDAY.
Partner Chart Activity Cardiovascular System 1. 2. 3. 4. Nervous System Immune System Respiratory System Skeletal System Muscular System Endocrine System Digestive System Integumentary System Urinary System
Update Unit 4 Tracking Sheet Learning Activity B: 4-square packet 4 = 45-50 3 = 40-44 2 = 35-39 1 = 30-34 0 = 29 or less
Warm-up Lymph Adrenal Gland Sensory Neuron Bronchioles Capillaries The tube through which food moves to the stomach The tube through which urine leaves the body The blood vessels that connect arteries and veins The tough tissue that connects muscles to bones The fluid that surrounds body cells The tubes that branch to form the alveoli The structures that carry messages from the sense organs to the brain The glands that aid the body in getting rid of wastes, such as salt The gland that secretes a hormone that prepares your body to react in times of stress or emergency Tissue at the ends of some bones to cushion joints Lymph Adrenal Gland Sensory Neuron Bronchioles Capillaries Urethra Tendon Cartilage Sweat Gland Esophagus
Welcome to Comprehensive Health Assignments Due: Fri April 7, 2017 Friday – Unit 4 Test Today’s Agenda: Warm-up Unit 4 Test Unit 5 Pre-test Essential Question: What are the functions and components of the 10 basic body systems? Objective: I will assess my knowledge of the body systems by taking the Unit 4 test.
Unit 4 – Body Systems When you are done: Turn in your test Please write the GREEN test number above your name on your answer sheet Name First and last name Date 4/7/17 Class Period # Quiz Unit 4 Test When you are done: Turn in your test Turn in your answer sheet Pick up a Unit 5 Tracking Sheet Complete the pre-test on the back