Feminism: A Transformational Politic bell hooks
bell hooks (1952-) American author, feminist, social activist. Published 30+ books and many articles, appeared in documentaries, conducts public lectures. Race, capitalism, gender are connected; produce systems of oppression and domination. “To be in the margin is to be part of the whole but outside the main body.”
hooks’ Ideas Women shouldn’t act as victims; should seek to understand, appreciate, and tolerate all genders and sexes. All people should be in control of their own destinies. Men should to be part of effort to create change. Sought power structures that did not rely on oppression of others.
Feminism: A Transformational Politic Problem with power structures (public: governments, organizations; private: home, family) is that they are based on domination and oppression, often patriarchal. Women are not just victims but perpetrators; all people must resist being oppressors. Feminism’s goal is to end patriarchal system of domination and oppression in personal relationships, which will extend to other relationships (outside home).
Feminism: A Transformational Politic Women’s identities based on sex, race, and class. Differences should be part of discussion, even if this makes it more uncomfortable. Small group discussion is effective; personal experiences humanize discussions; opportunity for feedback on ideas; strengthens effort to change. Love: catalyst for change; desire to understand others and treat them equally.