Rate of Dissolving.


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Presentation transcript:

Rate of Dissolving

A _________ dissolves in a _________ to form a ___________ video

Allergies? May contain traces of: Peanuts Eggs Wheat

mmm Chocolate Science

mmm Chocolate Science Dissolving Time NOT moving tongue or chewing Stir with your tongue Chewing 1. The chocolate ______________________ in the saliva in your mouth to form a _______________ 2. Solutions contain two parts: ________________________ & _______________________ 3. In this lab, the solute is the ________________________, and the solvent is the __________________ 4. Since the chocolate dissolved in your mouth we can say it was _____________________

Factors Affecting How Fast a Solute Dissolves Temperature Stirring or Shaking Crushing (Surface Area) Pressure

1. Temperature If we heat particles they will move faster The solvent will carry the solute particles away faster

Hotter = Dissolve Faster

2. Stirring or Shaking Stirring or shaking a solution moves the solute particles around so that they are closer to water particles the water particles can then attract them easily and carry them away!

Stir or Shake = Dissolve Faster

3. Crushing (Surface Area) When a sugar cube is broken into small pieces, the individual sugar particles can get closer to water particles the water particles can then attract them easily and carry them away!

Dissolving happens on the surface of particles When solute is broken up, there is more surface area where dissolving can occur broken up

4. Pressure Pressure is used to dissolve carbon dioxide gas in liquid pop Pressure forces gas particles into the spaces between the liquid particles gas

More pressure = Dissolve Faster

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Solution – made when a solute dissolves in a solvent Matter Heterogeneous materials - can see two parts Homogeneous materials can see only one thing - one set of properties Mechanical Mixture Homogeneous mixtures They’re mixed together so well you only see one thing – it looks pure but it isn’t Pure substances You can only see one thing because there is only one kind of particle in it. Solution – made when a solute dissolves in a solvent - Temperature, Stirring, Particle Size and Pressure speed this up the dissolving rate