Creating & Managing Workbooks Teacher Resource Idea - Paul 3.2 Microsoft Excel Creating & Managing Workbooks CREATING & MANAGING WORKBOOKS Follow up with students on the previous homework assignments. Before coming to class, students should have watched the video from Section 3.1 and the two videos for this section (3.1.1, 3.2.1, and 3.2.2) and completed the Skills Lab (3.2.4).
What can you do with Excel? Teacher Resource Idea - Paul What can you do with Excel? Budgets Directories Calendars Schedules Store Information Track Progress Run Calculations “ATTENTION” SLIDE: WHAT CAN YOU DO WITH EXCEL? This slide can be used to help your students understand the function of Excel and give an overview of some of the features they’ll be learning throughout the course.
Section Skill Overview Teacher Resource Idea - Paul Section Skill Overview Open a workbook Create a new workbook Change workbook properties Save as XLSX, PDF, and CSV Import data into Excel Insert and delete worksheets Navigate between worksheets Reorder and color worksheet tabs Move and copy a worksheet SECTION SKILLS OVERVIEW If students have completed the Skills lab (3.2.4), use this slide to prompt them for questions on specific tasks. For students who have not completed the Skills lab, use this slide to introduce the tasks they will be learning in the section.
Teacher Resource Idea - Paul KEY Terms Spreadsheet Workbook Worksheet XLSX CSV KEY TERMS Introduce key terms for this section. Ask students if they have questions about particular terms. If students have not watched the videos in this section, you may choose to play one or more videos to introduce features. Videos include: Introduction to Excel (2:21) – from Section 3.1 Worksheet Management (1:50) External Data (2:47)
Teacher Resource Idea - Paul KEY DEFINITIONS CSV: The Comma Separated Values extension is frequently used by spreadsheet programs other than Excel and by data downloaded from an Internet database. Spreadsheet: A document that stores and manipulates data in columns and rows. Workbook: A file that contains one or more related worksheets. Worksheet: A single spreadsheet within a workbook. XSLX: The default file extension for Excel workbooks. KEY DEFINITIONS As needed, define key terms that students do not understand.
Teacher Resource Idea - Paul In-class Practice Do Challenge Lab 3.2.5 and aim for the best possible time. The lab can be attempted multiple times, with the task set changing each time. Let me know if you need help on a task. OPTIONAL SLIDE: PRACTICE Use this slide if you want students to spend time during class completing the labs. Possible ways of using the labs include: Complete the Skills lab in class as a group (everyone working together on the same task at the same time). Tasks are presented in the same order for everyone, allowing students to follow along with the teacher. Following the teacher demonstration, students can restart the lab to complete any tasks not passed off. Give students time to work on the Challenge lab during class. Provide enough time for students to improve their times by working through the lab multiple times. If desired, give students a target time to beat, or recognize the fastest times at the end of the practice session. Time permitting, students can work through the Applied lab(s) instead of doing them as homework.
Teacher Resource Idea - Paul Class Discussion How can I use Excel to help with tasks in my personal life? What kind of data should I keep on the same worksheet? When should I consider creating a new worksheet? CLASS DISCUSSION Possible answers to these questions include the following: Personal Uses: Excel can be used to manage your personal finances, make a schedule, or store contact information. Worksheets: Individual worksheets usually store data that is closely related. If you have information that isn’t immediately related, you should consider using multiple worksheets. Worksheets can also be used to store information for different months or people, depending on the situation.
Teacher Resource Idea - Paul Class Activities Have each student create a class directory which includes each student’s name, age, birthday, and favorite color. Change the name of the directory worksheet and give it a color. Using an existing workbook, practice basic skills such as selecting data, navigating through a worksheet, and creating new worksheets. CLASS ACTIVITIES Time permitting, assign students to participate in one or more of these classroom activities. For the first activity, consider creating the directory on the projector and having the class follow along. For the second activity, use one of the Excel spreadsheets provided with the course or one you’ve prepared yourself.
Teacher Resource Idea - Paul Summary Spreadsheets are used to store text and numerical data in rows and columns. A workbook is an Excel file that is composed of one or more individual worksheets. Spreadsheets can be used for many tasks, including storing data, organizing information, and performing calculations. OPTIONAL SLIDE: SUMMARY Use this slide to highlight some of the more important points covered during class.
Teacher Resource Idea - Paul Homework Assignments Complete the labs in this section: Challenge Lab 3.2.5 – Create and Manage Workbooks Applied Lab 3.2.7 – Organize Budget Worksheets Applied Lab 3.2.8 – Import & Organize Research Data Prepare for the next class: Video 3.3.1 – Copy and Paste Options Video 3.3.2 – Large Data Sets Skills Lab 3.3.4 – Organize and Enter Data HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENTS