Have your notebook out and ready. WARM UP Make sure your group has your materials box and a bottle glue from the back table. Have your notebook out and ready.
Make sure you listen & follow instructions NOTEBOOK SET UP Make sure you listen & follow instructions
Inside front cover Your name, Mrs. Schneider, and class period at the top 3 Goals to become a Super Star
Title: One Word Definitions First Page Title: One Word Definitions One Word Definitions
Table of Contents Next 2 pages front and back Table of Contents Date Title Page #
Glue in your Super Star Sticker chart BACK Inside Cover Glue in your Super Star Sticker chart
Page 1: UNIT 1 cover page After the table of contents, write a 1 in the top corner of the next clean page. In the middle of your page write the title of unit 1: Maps and Continents Outline the page in BLUE. 1 Maps and Continents
Page 2 – Unit 1 Vocab Write a 2 in the top corner Write the title Unit 1 Vocab Outline in BLUE. 2 Unit 1 Vocab
Page 3: World Map & Tools Write the title: World Map & Tools Write a 3 in the top corner Glue in the map Outline in BLUE 3 World Map & Tools
Write the title: Metroplex Map Write a 4 in the top corner Page 4: Metroplex Map Write the title: Metroplex Map Write a 4 in the top corner Outline in BLUE 4 Metroplex Map
Table of Contents Go back and add the titles of pages 1-4 and page numbers. Date: August 2014 Table of Contents Date Title Page #