RESULTS and Discussion Concentrations of metals and metalloids in Loggerhead and Leatherback turtle eggs from the KwaZulu-Natal coast, South Africa. M Du Preez1, R Nell 2 and H Bouwman1 1Unit for Environmental Sciences and Management, North-West University, Potchefstroom, South Africa 2 Unit of Zoology, Nelson Mandela metropolitan university, Port Elisabeth, South Africa Aim: Identify key differences between the Metal and metalloid concentrations between two turtle species that breed in South Africa, and give a possible explanation INTRODUCTION RESULTS and Discussion Sea Turtles have a long life span. Bio-monitoring of long-living species such as sea turtles have become an important tool in bio-toxicology, it provides a baseline measurement for further studies into the health of a population and an increase in knowledge about the pollution levels in the areas where these turtles live. (Cortés-Gómez et al., 2014) The accumulation of elements in the marine environment varies depending on several factors that include geographical location. In animals that live on a marine environment diet, species and exposure to environmental contamination also influence the amount of accumulation that takes place (Guirlet et al., 2008). Two turtle species nest on the South African coast, Loggerhead turtles (Caretta caretta) and Leatherback turtles (Dermochelys coriacea). Loggerhead turtles are carnivorous and tend to have a more neritic nature than leatherbacks. Leatherback turtles are more pelagic and mostly feed on algae and jelly fish(Nell et al., 2013). This is the first study of its kind in the Indian Ocean and we tend to use this study as a baseline study for future research. Dicamba: 3 highest concentrations were cytotoxic. Mixture, 2,4-D and adjuvant: 6 highest concentrations were cytotoxic. Mixture + adjuvant: 8 highest concentrations were cyto-toxic. Figure 1: A Non-metric multidimensional Scaling that compare the concentrations of the metals and metalloids in two species of sea turtle with one another MATERIALS AND METHODS Leatherbacks had a higher proportion of lead, while Loggerheads showed higher proportions of nickel, aluminium, cobalt, copper, iron and manganese. The differences may be explained due to different food sources and migratory routes. Most of the metals and metalloids that have a higher concentration in egg content of loggerheads, is mined in South Africa. It seems that mining may have an influence in the neritic water zone. Sea turtle eggs was collected in the breading season of 2015. We collected 10 Loggerhead and 10 Leatherback turtle eggs from two beaches on the KwaZulu-Natal coast of South Africa Two Leatherback eggs per nest were collected when eggs were laid. One egg each of Loggerhead nests were collected from nests that were disturbed by predators, or addled eggs from nests where hatching has occurred. Egg contents were homogenized and lyophilized Metal and metalloids content was analysed with ICP-MS for 30 metals and metalloids CONCLUSION Metals and metalloids have a low influence on leatherback turtles. Animals that live in the neritic zone have a higher metalloid and metal concentration. REFERENCES Guirlet, E., Das, K., Girondot, M., (2008) . Maternal transfer of trace elements in leatherback turtles (Dermochelys coriacea) of French Guiana. Aquat. Toxicol. 88, 267–276. Nel R., Punt, A. E, Hughes, G.R., (2013) Are Coastal Protected Areas Always Effective in Achieving Population Recovery for Nesting Sea Turtles? PLoS ONE 8(5):e63525. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0063525