DISSEMINATION & EXPLOITATION Space Radiation Superconductive Shield SR2S CERN 5th December 2012
Introduction Carr Communications Communications, Public Relations and Training Company based in Dublin. Team of over 30 people Involved in EU/ FP7 funded research programmes for 5 years across many themes Eddie Shaw – Director of Public Relations 30 plus years experience in Risk Management, Communications, Crisis Communications . . . . . . .
Our Team
Facilities / Capabilities Team includes; communications professionals, broadcasters, digital media experts, trainers and journalists. TV & Radio Studios for media training, video recording and digital media
Key principles of effective dissemination Clear understanding of who are our target audiences Clear understanding of the ideas and benefits that we are trying to communicate Key messages that can be used to sell the benefits to target audiences Simple and easy to understand language to describe the project and it’s benefits Clear understanding of the best channels to get these messages to the target audiences Sign off processes for communication actions - simple and agile Engagement and interest of all partners in delivering successful dissemination Clear measures of dissemination success
Strategic Framework
Changing Attitudes and Behaviours
WP 5 Objectives Objectives: Perform SR2S Project Dissemination & Exploitation Activities Person Months – 20 Carr 7.5 INFN 4 CGS 1.5 CS 3 TAS - 1 2 CEA 1 CERN 1
WP 5 Dissemination and Exploitation Tasks T1: Definition of a dissemination and exploitation strategy and plan – Carr Comm T2:Presentation of the project - Technology Fair - INFN T3:Museum and Lab Exhibition - CERN T4:SR2S Project Website – Carr Comm, INFN The partners will contribute in the production of outreach material (brochure, gadgets, DVDs) to be distributed on the occasion of the events listed in T1, T2 and T4.
WP 5 Dissemination and Exploitation Tasks T5: Scientific Publications - All T6:Seminar & Workshops – Carr Comm, CEA, INFN T7:Radiation Shielding Exploitation & Technology Development Plan – CGS, INFN T8: Science Media dissemination - Carr Comm
Changing Attitudes and Behaviours