Agenda - Storyline - Market over view - Our service - Business model
The storyline
Huge business potential in language technology industry 568 million euro markets in EU 2008 (Source: language industry in EU 2009)
Will classic dictionaries disappear?
Will dictionary be integral part of future mobile phones?
How this dictionary is going to be?
Our service: Ledi - ”Light your language learning” Integrate personal learning to dictionary use Integrate service to educational institutions Make customized services available for masses
Four interviews show there is high interest on mobile informal learning Vocabulary learned mainly by self studying Informal learning important part of language learning Teacher Interest in monitor informal learning Mobile phones are coming integral part of school environment Not all students have smart phones
Value Proposition Students: fun and motivating
Value Proposition Professionals: simple and effective
Value Proposition Teachers: Understanding and monitoring
LeDi Business model
Business logic
Business logic
Thank you.