урок английского языка в 8 классе, «Changing times, changing styles» урок английского языка в 8 классе, УМК Кузовлев Автор: Ким Ольга Петровна
Word web Clothes Fashion Footwear Pieces of clothing Style
Style baggy elegant tight-fitting loose-fitting casual sportswear scruffy
Style streetwear ethnic Power-dressing hippie clubwear office wear
Footwear High boots Canvas shoes Trainers wellies High-heeled shoes, pumps Canvas shoes Trainers wellies
Footwear Platform, wedges boots sandals Patent shoes Slippers
Pieces of clothing trunks belt mittens pinafor gloves vest
Pieces of clothing handkerchief sweatshirt tights waistcoat polo – neck sweater tights waistcoat fancy dress
Pieces of clothing baby – doll dress hoodie embroidery tie zip swimsuit / bathing suit
Fashion the 1950s
Fashion the 1960s
Fashion the 1970s
Fashion the 1980s
Fashion the 1990s
Fashion the 2000s