Cabarrus County Substance Abuse 2016 Prevalence: 521 EMS calls for substance abuse complaints (*does not include cardiac/respiratory arrest or death) 163 confirmed heroin OD and 20 heroin deaths (600% increase) Naloxone administered 273 times 406 behavioral health calls 152 Cardiac arrests 254 DOA calls 32,161 total calls Common Locations Residences Parking lots Schools Businesses Parks Medication diversions from family Commonly Abused Substances Opioids: heroin, demerol, morphine, fentanyl, darvocet, dilaudid, methadone, hydrocodone, oxycodone, carfentanyl, Gray Death Others: Methamphetamine, cocaine/crack, marijuana, bath salts, synthetics, antidepressants, and other prescription medications Mitigation Activities Work group collaboration with EMS and law enforcement EMS & fire deploy Naloxone Law enforcement consideration of Naloxone Mental health board Training Awareness bulletins Community partners Healthy Cabarrus Impact of Substance Abuse Death Health issues Accidents Violence / crime Family issues Work and school issues Jail overcrowding Emergency department overcrowding SB20 911 Good Samaritan/Naloxone Law Prevent fear from calling 911 Witnesses generally cannot be prosecuted Family, friends, & broad public safety given access to Naloxone Liability for Naloxone administration removed When Seconds Count – Call 911
Cabarrus County Substance Abuse Deaths Prescription opioids responsible for most deaths Most deaths unintentional NC has higher overdose mortality than national average Common Signs of Narcotic Overdose Blue or pale skin Unresponsive Slow or absent breathing Constricted pupils Presence of drugs or paraphernalia Community Partners EMS, fire, and law Hospital and public health Mental health board Project Lazarus Community Care of NC NC Harm Reduction Coalition NC Office of EMS Faith based partners Common Signs of Other Overdose Skin color changes Behavior or mental status change Slow or fast breathing Slow or fast heart rate Pupil and eye changes Presence of drugs or paraphernalia Hyperactive or hypoactive Speech changes Contact information: Alan Thompson, Director Cabarrus EMS 704/920-2601 When Seconds Count – Call 911