Lessons from InstructureCon What a week immersed in Canvas taught me about my Canvas course and my students Wed., September 28, 2016 Listen over your computer or call toll free: 888.886.3951 Participant passcode: 293043 Lené Whitley-Putz, Ph.D. Training and Development Coordinator
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Lessons from InstructureCon What a week immersed in Canvas taught me about my Canvas course and my students Wednesday, September 28, 2016 Lené Whitley-Putz, Ph.D. Training and Development Coordinator
Instructurecon: July 2016
Your Dreams, Student Realities Students use your course in ways you have not yet imagined Students resist your navigation for a variety of reasons You need to think outside the box
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Syllabus and Assignment Summary
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Summary Students have multiple paths INTO your course Students have multiple paths WITHIN your course Design with both of these ideas in mind!
Source Kevin Reeve, Utah State University http://bit.ly/CanvasAnalytics
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