Who needs ICT for Agriculture Development Project? Govt. Agriculture Dept. Traders Farmers AGRICULTURE WORKFORCE Agriculture Extensionists Fishermen Livestock Farms Livestock Herders IT dan Agroindustri – MKI9001
I N FO R M AT I O N TECHNOLOGY IT for Agriculture Development : Matching Service Providers with Rural User Groups GOVERNMENT & PRIVATE SECTOR SERVICE PROVIDERS AGRICULTUREUSER GROUPS I N FO R M AT I O N TECHNOLOGY Un- Employed Agriculture Ministry Farmers Department of Livestock Development Fishermen Agriculture Workforce Agriculture Banks Agriculture Markets Traders Livestock Herders Private Companies Agriculture Extensionists IT dan Agroindustri – MKI9001
The Why: Drivers of ICT in Agriculture Low cost and Pervasive Connectivity Adaptable and more affordable tools Advances in data storage and exchange Innovative business models and partnerships The democratization of information, including the open access movement and social media IT dan Agroindustri – MKI9001
The How: Lessons Learned So Far Concentrate on the Demand, Not on the Technology Use Appropriate Technologies Focus on Affordable Access and Use, Not Ownership Be Aware of Differential Impacts, Including Gender and Social Differences in Access and Use Create an Enabling Environment for Innovation in Infrastructure Investment, Business Models, Services, and Applications Develop Sustainable Business and Investment Models through Partnerships Promote Leadership and Find Champions IT dan Agroindustri – MKI9001
Main phases in the agriculture sector Crop cultivation and harvesting Pre-cultivation Post harvest Crop selection Land preparation Marketing Land selection Sowing Transportation Input management Calendar definition Packaging Water management Access to credit Food processing Fertilization Pest management IT dan Agroindustri – MKI9001
Information produced/needed Crop cultivation and harvesting Pre-cultivation Post harvest Crop selection Land preparation Marketing Land selection Sowing Transportation Input management Calendar definition Water management Packaging Access to credit Fertilization Food processing Pest management Information for the sound management of the whole cropping activities, including the resilience to natural (e.g. weather) and anthropogenic shocks Information for the selection of the best crop according to their land, access to input and credit, market (Cost-Benefit), etc. Information related to post-harvest techniques and tools, marketing and transportation infrastructures, etc. IT dan Agroindustri – MKI9001
KMS, e/m-consulting, e/m-learning, DSS, GIS Application of ICT Decision Support System (DSS), modeling software, e/m-learning, e/m-consulting, Knowledge Management Systems (KMS) Pre-cultivation DSS, GIS, Remote sensing, e/m-consulting, KMS, sampling devices connected to networking tools Crop selection Land selection Calendar definition KMS, e/m-consulting, e/m-learning, DSS, GIS Access to credit Networking tools (mobile phones, radios, wireless networks), Management Information System (MIS), e-commerce and mobile commerce
Application of ICT KMS, e/m-learning, e/m-consulting, GPS, GIS, computer controlled devices, machine2machine communication and sensor networks Crop cultivation and harvesting GPS, GIS, e/m-learning, e/m-consulting, computer controlled devices, m2m communication, sensor networks Land preparation Sowing DSS, MIS, GPS/GIS, e/m-learning Input management DSS, GIS, MIS, sensor networks, m2m communication Water management Fertilization DSS, GIS, MIS, sensor networks, m2m communication Pest management DSS, GIS, management information system, sensor networks, m2m communication
Application of ICT Networking tools (mobile phones, lo-fi technologies) for broadcast Post harvest Marketing GPS, GIS, MIS, DBMS, tracing devices, m2m communication Transportation Packaging Tracing devices, KMS, e/m-learning, e/m-consulting, GPS, GIS Food processing Farm to fork tracing tools – GPS, RFID, GIS, DBMS, MIS, KMS, e/m-learning, e/m-consulting, machine2machine communication
Mind map for ICT in Agriculture KMS, e/m-learning, e/m-consulting, GPS, GIS, computer controlled devices, machine2machine communication and sensor networks GPS, GIS, e/m-learning, e/m-consulting, computer controlled devices, m2m communication, sensor networks DSS, MIS, GPS/GIS, e/m-learning Decision Support System (DSS), modeling software, e/m-learning, e/m-consulting, Knowledge Management Systems (KMS) Pre-cultivation Crop cultivation and harvesting Post harvest Networking tools (mobile phones, lo-fi technologies) for broadcast Crop selection Land preparation Marketing DSS, GIS, Remote sensing, e/m-consulting, KMS, sampling devices connected to networking tools GPS, GIS, MIS, DBMS, tracing devices, m2m communication Land selection Sowing Transportation Input management Tracing devices, KMS, e/m-learning, e/m-consulting, GPS, GIS KMS, e/m-consulting, e/m-learning, DSS, GIS Packaging Calendar definition Water management Networking tools (mobile phones, radios, wireless networks), Management Information System (MIS), e-commerce and mobile commerce Farm to fork tracing tools – GPS, RFID, GIS, DBMS, MIS, KMS, e/m-learning, e/m-consulting, machine2machine communication Access to credit Fertilization Food processing Pest management DSS, GIS, MIS, sensor networks, m2m communication DSS, GIS, MIS, sensor networks, m2m communication DSS, GIS, management information system, sensor networks, m2m communication
Continued to session 2 -Thank you- IT dan Agroindustri – MKI9001