Introduction to Open Educational Resources (OER) Suzanne Wakim and Rachel Arteaga
Open Educational Resources (OERs) are teaching, learning, and research resources released under an open license that permits their free use and repurposing by others. OERs can be textbooks, full courses, lesson plans, videos, tests, software, or any other tool, material, or technique that supports access to knowledge. Definition from SPARC: The Scholarly Publishing & Academic Resources Coalition
The framework, which will be freely available under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license (CC BY), was designed by Lumen Learning as the 5Rs
CC by give attribution; CC by SA (share alike) give attribution and share creation with same licence; NC = non comercial; ND no derivatives (unchanged and whole) This work by D'Arcy Hutchings is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Why Use OER? 65% of students report not purchasing a textbook because of its high price [1]. College textbook prices rose 82% between 2003 and 2013, approximately triple the rate of inflation in overall consumer prices (CPI) during the same time (27%) [2]. Studies conducted at Virginia State University and Houston Community College found that students who used open textbooks tended to have higher grades and lower withdrawal rates than their peers who used traditional textbooks [3][4]. 1] U.S. PIRG Education Fund and the Student PIRGs. 2014. Fixing the Broken Textbook Market. [2] Bureau of Labor Statistics. 2014. Consumer Price Index Databases. [3] Hilton III, J., & Laman, C. 2012. One college’s use of an open psychology textbook. Open Learning: The Journal of Open, Distance and e-Learning, 27(3), 265-272. [4] Feldstein, A., Martin, M., Hudson, A., Warren, K., Hilton III, J., & Wiley, D. 2012. Open Textbooks and Increased Student Access and Outcomes. European Journal of Open, Distance and E-Learning. Adapted from SPARC Open Education (licensed under CC by 3.0)
Butte College: Amount Spent on Textbooks & Materials Per Semester Nationwide: Cost of Materials Per Unit Course Materials Fall 2014 Average Cost of Materials per Unit 1st Gen Students $ 64.39 Other Students $ 55.25
Student Textbook Survey Butte Community College 2016 Has the cost of required textbooks ever caused you to do any of the following? 31% Take fewer classes 27% Do not register for a specific course 16% Drop or withdraw from a course 40% Not purchase textbook 76% Purchase books elsewhere 22% Use Reserves in Library 32% Share Books with friends or classmate Other: Go into debt, Illegally download copy
Student Textbook Survey Butte Community College 2016 59% Purchase one or more textbooks per semester that they don’t use 47% Currently use or would use digital textbooks 51% Prefer to read on paper 83% Prefer to keep textbooks in their major 41% Prefer to keep textbooks in GE courses they find interesting Cost of textbooks is higher than the cost of tuition
English OER Each course will have different needs. Consider a consultation to have one of us help you look for specific resources.
What are you already using/doing? What do you want to do?
Printable course packets composed of OER OER textbooks Options Printable course packets composed of OER OER textbooks Build your own OER book/materials
Resources: OER for English There are numerous options for English. These represent just a few. For more help looking for resources contact one of us. Project Gutenberg 53,000 free ebooks. Most ebooks are in the public domain. Multiple formats are available. Merlot II Curated collection of free and open online teaching, learning, and faculty development services contributed and used by an international education community. Search by discipline. OER Commons Large repository. Easily searchable. Allows creation of modules for higher ed. Multiple limiters such as discipline, material type, education level, etc. Writing Commons Peer-reviewed OER for introductory college level writing. Based on highly used composition textbook. Open Textbook Library Peer-reviewed high quality free textbooks. Affiliated with the University of Minnesota. Search under humanities and language. Google Advanced Search Searchable by keyword and licence type. Search under usage rights – “free to use share or modify.”
Resources: Creating OER SoftChalk Digital curriculum authoring software. Butte College has a site licence. To register you will need Butte’s licensing information. You can import into Canvas. OER Commons Use Module Builder for interactive content. Use Open Author option for text, images, files. Pressbooks "Easily create e-books, typeset PDFs, and web books. Choose from professionally designed book themes. One button publishing." Free and priced options. There are other options that might suit your needs better. Talk to us to discuss other options.
Check out further resources or set up an appointment. Need more help? Check out further resources or set up an appointment.
Thanks! Any questions? Contact us: Suzanne Wakim Rachel Arteaga