How Do People Think of The Future? How Do You Think of The Future?
The Prophecy of Prophets Plans Preaching Promises Sins Prophecies Plans Preaching Sins Prophecies Promises The Prophets Near Intermediate Distant Present Future Future Future
Prophetic Books Give Us HOPE Micah 8th century BC Micah Chapters 1-3 Micah 3:12 Micah 4 HOPE For The Future
Look At The Future In Two Respects Overview Of Micah 4 Look At The Future In Two Respects The Distant Future i.e. The Millennium The Intermediate Future Up To The Millennium Promises Prophecies Plans Preaching Sins The Prophets Near Intermediate Distant Present Future Future Future
I. Hope For The Distant Future – The Coming Kingdom of God 1-8 The Millennial Kingdom in the distant future 1-5 Gathering the remnant just before the coming kingdom of God 6-8 ??? Millennium 1000 year Rule of Jesus Micah’s Day ~710 BC Remnant Gathered Today
II. Hope During The Intermediate Future – Scattering Before Gathering 9-13 Specific example of scattering 9,10 Gathering of nations against Israel 11, 5:1 Lord’s gathering for threshing 12,13 Gathering Nations Against Israel Lord Gathering For Threshing Babylonian Exile 605-535BC Intermediate Future Micah’s Day, Today Remnant Millennium ~705BC Gathered [1000 year rule Jesus
Hope For You When you feel like you [or the world around you] are ‘plowed under’ or ‘like heaps of ruins’, remind yourself of the distant future. Read the prophets. People walk to many different ‘gods’, but you need to walk in the name of the LORD God. The remnant is a minority. If you feel like you are in the minority – that is okay. Be sure you are part of the remnant.
Hope For You 4. There will be pains, problems in the near future, in your near future. Hope is in the Lord who will deliver you through them. 5. God’s plans and ways are NOT mans. Fix your eyes on God and you will stay on course. Follow His plans and ways.