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Presentation transcript:

Welcome to LDS Jeopardy! Be certain your answers in question format.

Final Jeopardy Question Kirtland (Lesson 25 and 26) Glory, Glory (Lesson 23) Expelled (Lesson 27) I Hope they They Call me On a Mission (Lesson 29) Mo and More (Lesson 30) Primary Stuff (Let’s see how good You really are) 500 500 500 500 500 500 400 400 400 400 400 400 300 300 300 300 300 300 200 200 200 200 200 200 100 100 100 100 100 100 Final Jeopardy Question

Kirtland 500 pts This prophet restored the keys of sealing power in the Kirtland Temple Answer

The original color of the Kirtland Temple doors 400 pts The original color of the Kirtland Temple doors Answer

This song was sung at the dedication of the Kirtland Temple 300 pts This song was sung at the dedication of the Kirtland Temple Answer

Kirtland 200 pts Once finished, this building was considered one of the largest buildings in northeast Ohio Answer

She gathered hymns for a hymnal published in Kirtland 100 pts She gathered hymns for a hymnal published in Kirtland Answer

Glory, Glory, Glory 500 pts In what kingdom will people know about Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ but never live with them or see them? Answer

Name one ordinance necessary for entrance to the Celestial Kingdom Glory, Glory, Glory 400 pts Name one ordinance necessary for entrance to the Celestial Kingdom Answer

What happens to children who die before they are eight years old? Glory, Glory, Glory 300 pts What happens to children who die before they are eight years old? Answer

What kingdom is compared to the brightness of the sun? Glory, Glory, Glory 200 pts What kingdom is compared to the brightness of the sun? Answer

Glory, Glory, Glory 100 pts Doctrine and Covenants section 76 (vision of the Three Degrees of Glory) was given at John Johnson’s farm in Hiram, _____. Answer

Expelled 500 pts Even though the Saints were driven from their homes in Jackson County, what did the Saints see in the sky that let them know Heavenly Father loved them? Answer

Expelled 400 pts How did a ventriloquist help the Saints when being pursued by a mob? Answer

Expelled 300 pts The Book of Commandments contained early revelations to Joseph Smith. These revelations, and others, are now included in what book? Answer

Expelled 200 pts What did the mob do to the printing press owned by William W. Phelps? Answer

Expelled 100 pts Joseph Smith received a revelation that Zion would be located in Jackson County Missouri, and a temple would be built in _______, Missouri. Answer

I Hope they call Me on a Mission 500 pts A minister of a local church wanted a constable to arrest Elder Woodruff for preaching. What did the constable do who was sent to arrest Elder Woodruff? Answer

I Hope they call Me on a Mission 400 pts In 1839 the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles were commanded to go to England to continue preaching the gospel. When the time came to depart, many Apostles and their families were ill with what disease? Answer

I Hope they call Me on a Mission 300 pts When Elder Heber C. Kimball and his mission companions arrived in Preston, England it was Election Day. They saw a large banner that gave them hope. It said, “Truth will _____.” Answer

I Hope they call Me on a Mission 200 pts Apostles are special witnesses of whom? Answer

I Hope they call Me on a Mission 100 pts In February 1835, twelve men were called to be what? Answer

When will the Second Coming take place? MO and More 500 pts When will the Second Coming take place? Answer

MO and More 400 pts What do we mean by the second coming of Jesus Christ? Answer

MO and More 300 pts The Lord told Joseph Smith that the name for Spring Hill was ___-___-___. Orson Pratt later said this name means “Valley of God, where Adam dwelt” in “the original language spoken by Adam” Answer

MO and More 200 pts The Savior will rule over the earth when he comes again. What will this thousand-year period be called? Answer

MO and More 100 pts In Far West, Missouri what separated the Saints from those that were not members of the church? Answer

The year the Primary was started. Primary Stuff 500 pts The year the Primary was started. Answer

The song where we learn what keeps us “Safe from Sin” Primary Stuff 400 pts The song where we learn what keeps us “Safe from Sin” Answer

The song that teaches how to be clean (like “after Rain”) Primary Stuff 300 pts The song that teaches how to be clean (like “after Rain”) Answer

The youngest class in Primary. Primary Stuff 200 pts The youngest class in Primary. Answer

Primary Stuff 100 pts What is the title of the Person in Charge of Primary and the Person that plays the Piano? Answer

Final Jeopardy Time is up! You have 30 sec! Choose how many of your points you want to double. If you get the question right, you add more points. If you get the question wrong, you stay the same. Time is up! You have 30 sec! Question

How can we prepare ourselves for the Savior’s second coming? Final Jeopardy How can we prepare ourselves for the Savior’s second coming? Time is up! You have 30 sec! Answer

Kirtland 100 pts Who is Emma Smith? Back

What is the Kirtland Temple? 200 pts What is the Kirtland Temple? Back

What is The Spirit of God? Kirtland 300 pts What is The Spirit of God? Back

Kirtland 400 pts What is Green? Back

Kirtland 500 pts Who is Elijah? Back

Glory, Glory, Glory 100 pts Where is Ohio? Back

What is The Celestial Kingdom? Glory, Glory, Glory 200 pts What is The Celestial Kingdom? Back

What is they are saved in the Celestial Kingdom of Heaven? Glory, Glory, Glory 300 pts What is they are saved in the Celestial Kingdom of Heaven? Back

Glory, Glory, Glory 400 pts What is Baptism, Confirmation, Ordination to the Priesthood, Endowment, or Sealing ? Back

What is The Telestial Kingdom ? Glory, Glory, Glory 500 pts What is The Telestial Kingdom ? Back

Expelled 100 pts Where is Independence? Back

Expelled 200 pts What is Destroyed it? Back

What are “The Doctrine and Covenants? Expelled 300 pts What are “The Doctrine and Covenants? Back

Expelled 400 pts What is he frightened the mob by making his voice sound like many Saints who were ready to fight? Back

Expelled 500 pts What is A meteor shower? Back

I Hope they call Me on a Mission 100 pts What are Apostles? Back

I Hope they call Me on a Mission 200 pts Who is Jesus Christ? Back

I Hope they call Me on a Mission 300 pts What is “Prevail”? Back

I Hope they call Me on a Mission 400 pts What is Malaria? Back

I Hope they call Me on a Mission What is he wanted to be baptised? 500 pts What is he wanted to be baptised? Back

MO and More 100 pts The county was to have a six-mile strip of unsettled land around it to keep the Saints separate Back

What is the The Millenium? MO and More 200 pts What is the The Millenium? Back

What is “Adam-ondi-ahman”? MO and More 300 pts What is “Adam-ondi-ahman”? Back

When is when he comes again? MO and More 400 pts When is when he comes again? Back

MO and More 500 pts When is No one except Heavenly Father knows exactly when it will be? Back

Primary President and the Primary Pianist? Primary Stuff 100 pts Who are the Primary President and the Primary Pianist? Back

Primary Stuff 200 pts What is the Nursery? Back

Primary Stuff 300 pts What is “When I am Baptized”? Back

What is “Scripture Power”? Primary Stuff 400 pts What is “Scripture Power”? Back

Primary Stuff 500 pts What is 1878? Back

Final Jeopardy Calculate your total! What is Stand in holy places, Let the Holy Ghost be your guide, Do not be deceived by Satan, Follow the Prophet, Keep our covenants, Live righteously Calculate your total! If you were right, add your guess to your score. If you were wrong, subtract your guess to your score.

Thank you for playing LDS Jeopardy! Come visit us again soon!

Jeopardy Credits Most of the Questions and answers used in this presentation came from the “Primary Jeopardy Review Game” by David Pearson as posted on Sugardoodle.com