Lack of Career Guidance for Sport Management By: Darius Buckley
Introduction Sport Management has grown in colleges for 30+ years Undergrad, masters and MBA with sport specifications Very competitive field Not a lot of assistance to land employment out of school
Reason to Care Sport Management isn’t the only field with difficult entry Important to establish continuous networking Make sure everyone is getting their money/times worth for education, experience, and guidance
Idea Proposal Push department to allocate resources (additional advisors) Implement a new course that goes in depth on job opportunities, how/where to find them, and what strengths are needed to be molded in the classroom for the work force
My Background Sport Management Major Understand difficulties of acquiring sport related job Lead through sports, fraternity life, and past jobs Insight to how top tier companies hire and network
What Is Needed People who care for education Sociability/communication, speaking with both students and faculty Planning and implementation skills Media, tape testimonials, requests, ideas etc
What We Will Gain Vision into education process not just for sport management but for all majors How to take charge and better your education and chances of preferred job Knowing you helped fellow Cougs down the line better obtain careers
Conclusion Revamp of resources for the department can help students greatly in choosing an area of sport and entering said specific field Doing it for one major can create the outline to better improve others