2017 ELEVATE PLANNING CALENDAR TASKS Dec-16 Jan-17 Feb-17 Mar-17 Apr-17 May-17 Jun-17 Jul- 17 Aug-17 Sep-17 Oct-17 Nov-17 Dec-17 Receive all Elevate printed materials (12/19-12/23) Planning Meetings with all Elevate retailers (12/19/16-2/28/17) Place orders for displays with sample kits & MDF kits by desired shipping period (12/19/16-2/28/17) Spring launch items ship (1-1/17-3/31/17)* Ordering of all merchandising items (other than displays with sample sets & MDF kits) (1/1/17-11/30/17) Retail Sales Associate incentive program for Elite & Premier RSAs (1/15/17-11/30/17) Claim submission for all Co-Op Advertising (Houzz/Product Gallery Dec invoices must be sub by 11/30/17) (1/1/17-11/30/17) NEW Training Programs available for all Spring launches (2/1/17) Biannual Retailer Satisfaction Survey (3/31/17) Spring Promotion (4/1/17-5/17/17; claims by 6/16/17) 1st Shipping Period for displays with sample kits & MDF kits (4/1/17-5/31/17)* Planning meetings for Fall launch items (7/15/17-9/30/17) Place Orders for displays with sample kits for Fall launches ONLY (7/15/17-9/30/17) Fall launch items ship (8/1/17-10/31/17)* 2nd Shipping Period for displays with sample kits & MDF kits (8/1/17-9/30/17)* Fall Promotion (8/15/17-9/30/17; claims by 10/30/17) Biannual Retailer Satisfaction Survey (9/30/17) Planning Meetings with all Elevate retailers for 2018 begin *Shipment schedule based upon available inventory at time of order