Teaching and Learning Narrative 1 Vincent Côté 260637441 EDEC-262-001/002
A Definition of Digital Literacy “Digital literacy or « digital competence » […] bridges what young people know or do not know in using digital media, and how education could create the contexts that develop such skills, knowledge, and attitudes further (Erstad, 2010a, 2010b).” http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/d/d5/MacBook_Air_Mid_2012.png http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/1/18/IPhone_4_-_noscreen.jpg
The Five Dimensions 4: Learning Strategies 5: Digital Bildung/ Cultural Competence “Five dimensions [of understanding of the digital media for education purpose] can be elaborated, which highlight different aspects of how we understand digital literacies as part of school based learning.” 3: Knowledge Building in Subject Domain 2: Media as Object of Analysis 1: Basic Skills
“[…] it is clear that young people growing up today are experiencing important aspects of the implications of digital media on our culture.” http://goo.gl/fXiVEE
In spite of the fact that media education in the U. S In spite of the fact that media education in the U.S. is in its infancy, there is already debate about why and how to teach it (Hobbs, 1998; Tyner, 1998). http://pixabay.com/static/uploads/photo/2013/12/03/07/57/exchange-of-ideas-222787_640.jpg
The Core concepts of Critical Media Literacy #4: Media Have Embedded Values and Points of View #5: Media Are Organized to Gain Profit and/or Power #2: Media Messages Are Constructed Using a Creative Language with Its Own Rules #3: Different Peole Experience the SameMedia Message Differently Core Concept #1: Principle of Non-transparency Core Concept #2: Codes and Conventions Core Concept #3: Audience Core Concept #4: Content and Message Core Concept #5: Motivation and Political Economy #1: All Media Messages are ”Constructed”