Building Healthy Relationships Chapter 1 Building Healthy Relationships
Practicing Communication Skills Communication is the exchange of information thought the use of words or actions. More than just talking face to face. Body Language is postures gestures and facial expressions. Posture is how you hold your body. Gestures are motions you make with your hands. Body language is nonverbal communication. Mixed Message is a situation in which your words say one thing but your body language says another. Good Communication Skills Include listening and showing that you understand what the other person is saying. You need to be a good speaker, listener, and writer to send and receive messages.
Practicing Communication Skills Speaking Skills Think before speaking. Make clear, simple statements. Use “I” message. “I” messages speak from your point of view to send a message. Be honest. Use appropriate body language.
Practicing Communication Skills Listening Skills - Active listening means hearing, thinking about, and responding to another person’s message. Pay attention Use body language Wait your turn. Ask questions. Writing Skills Write clear, simple statements. Re-read your words before you send a message. Make sure your written words say what you mean. RULES TO LIVE BY: Don’t put anything in writing you do not want the whole world to read.
Communication Style An assertive Communicator states his or her positions in a firm but positive way. An aggressive Communicator is someone who tends to be overly forceful, pushy, hostile, or otherwise attacking in approach. A passive Communicator has a tendency to give up, or give in, or back down without standing up for his or her rights and needs.
Family Relationships Family is the basic unit of society and includes two or more people joined by blood, marriage, adoption, or a desire to support each other. A couple is two people who do not have children. A nuclear family is two parents and one or more children. An extended family is a nuclear family plus other relatives. A blended family has two adults and one or more children from a previous relationship. A foster family has adults caring for one or more children born to different parents. An adoptive family is a couple plus adopted children. A joint custody family has two parents living apart and sharing custody of children. A single custody family has parents living apart and children living with one parent.
Family Relationships To nurture is to fulfill physical needs, mental/emotional needs, and social needs. Physical ~ families care for their members by providing food, clothing, and shelter. Mental/Emotional ~ family members offer love, acceptance, and support. They pass along traditions, values, and beliefs. Social ~ Families teach their member how to get along with each other and with people outside the family.
Family Relationships A role is a part you play when you interact with another person. A strong family is built on good relationships Support one another. Show appreciation for one another. Follow family rules. Spend quality time together. Use good communication skills. Show responsibility. Show respect.
Changes in the Family Moving to a new home. Find aspects to your new neighborhood and try to meet other teens. Separation, Divorce, or remarriage of parents. Tell both parents you love them. Talk to a trusted adult about your feelings. Job change or job loss. Ask how you can help. Birth or adoption of a new sibling. Spend time with new sibling. Ask to help. Illness or injury. Show you care, ask to help. Death, loss, and grief. Pay attention to younger members of the family.
Serious Family Problems A parent or guardian is responsible for caring for a child’s physical, mental/emotional and social needs. Abuse is a pattern of mistreatment of another person. Physical Abuse involves the use of physical force, such as hitting or pushing. Sexual abuse is any mistreatment of a child or adult involving sexual activity. Neglect is failure to provide for the basic physical and emotional needs of a dependent.
Peer Relationships Peers are people close to you in age who are a lot like you. Who you go to school with and other teens you know from your outside activities. Acquaintance is someone you see occasionally or know casually. Sometimes they become friends. Friendship is a relationship with someone you know, trust, and regard with affection. Usually begin with a common interest.
Peer Relations What Makes a good Friend? Shared values Reliability Reliable means trust worthy and dependable. Loyal or Faithful Sympathy A sympathetic friend is aware of how you may be feeling at a given moment. Caring Trust Respect
Peer Relations Strengthening Friendships Making new Friends Spend time together Communicate openly and honestly Help each other through hard times Respect each others differences. Encourage each other Identify problems and work to solve them. Making new Friends Be yourself. Break the ice. Seek out teens who share your interest. Join a group that works for a cause you support.
Peer Pressure The influence that your peer group has on you is peer pressure. Positive peer pressure. Helps you make healthful choices. Negative peer pressure. H.E.L.P Healthful – affect your well-being? Ethical – show respect? Legal – breaking the law? Parent Approved – if they knew? Avoid the situation Use assertive responses An assertive response states your position strongly and confidently. Focus on the issue Walk away.