Kevin was undulating to the music at his friend’s wedding Kevin was undulating to the music at his friend’s wedding. He suddenly heard a snap and realized he had broken something. He did not want to go to the hospital. His friends convinced him to go when they used an analogy comparing his broken bone to a broken piece on a vehicle. Once he arrived at the hospital, all ER rooms were occupied so he had to wait. Kevin was in so much pain, he begged the hospital attendant to operate in the waiting room, but she told him the hospital would get in trouble for infringing on his privacy by treating him in the open public. Kevin was finally seen by a doctor in an ER room. The staff discovered that Kevin had gotten a strange disease that caused his bones to break easily. He was given lots of medicine to help cure this disease, as well as a few vaccines to protect him from similar diseases.
WEEK 18 WORDS Undulate Infringe Analogy Vaccine Occupied
Undulate To move gently and slowly up and down or from side to side in an attractive manner Something that has gentle curves or slopes His body slowly undulated in time to the music.
Infringe To infringe a law means to break or disobey it To infringe on someone’s rights, you interfere and do not allow them freedom When the crew put cameras in the dressing rooms, they infringed on the actors’ privacy.
Analogy Something that shows how two things are similar in some way Theo made a great analogy about babies being like a piece of clay that can be molded.
Vaccine A substance containing a harmless form of a disease given to people to prevent them from getting that disease It is getting very difficult to get the flu vaccine with so many people getting the shot at this time of year.
Occupied To live or work in a place When something is being used like a room or seat When a military uses force to control an area Dad was mad to find that the bathroom was still occupied after an hour.