Clinical engineering Lecture (7)
Inspection schedule The inspection schedule is an important part of a PM program. To set up a program, recommendations can be made concerning the frequency of inspection for different types of equipment.
These can be obtained from: Other institutions using the same type of equipment From manufacturers instruction manuals.
If PM is performed too often, then valuable time and money are being wasted and if the inspection interval is too long, then the PM is not effective and again, the effort is wasted.
In determining the inspection frequency, signs of effective PM should be evaluated:
On some items of equipment, manufacturers’ PM schedules must be followed in order to keep the warranty valid. Once a PM schedule has been set up, it should be reviewed at least yearly to determine if the equipment is functioning properly.
After two or three years, the schedule will become firm and will then only be modified because of increased use of the equipment or because a marked reduction in the use of equipment permits a reduction in the inspection frequency. There are two levels of preventive maintenance; Major and Minor procedures
The major inspection: Is done less frequently than the minor and depending on the type of equipment is usually performed annually or semiannually. The minor inspection: Are usually performed quarterly, but in some cases may do monthly or even weekly.
There are four steps in a PM procedure: Visual inspection Cleaning Function testing Safety testing
Visual inspection Visual inspection is done to determine if there are any problems that can be detected visually. In most cases this requires a visual examination of the equipment and includes inspection of the external and internal parts of the device. You should watch for such things as loose hardware, damaged cases, loose components, any signs of electrical shorts or damage, fluid leaks, broken plugs, deteriorating insulation.
Cleaning It is generally necessary after the visual inspection to clean at least some parts of the equipment. The procedure should state those solvent or cleaning agents that can be used on the equipment as well as methods that provide the most effective cleaning.
All dirt and oil that has accumulated because of normal use should be removed from the outside of the equipment. Dirt should be removed from the internal parts, particularly the electronic components, by using compressed air or vacuuming.
Function testing The results of this series of tests guarantee the effectiveness and calibration of the instrument. In some cases, function testing should be done weekly including calibration.
Safety testing Safety testing of equipment is frequently directed toward electrical safety and is done to determine the level of leakage currents and the quality of grounding. Safety testing provides safety to the operator and the patients by protective covering or shields to eliminate radiation or shocks.