The ELENA Safety Documentation «time to prepare the safety clearance» 2015/11/12 The ELENA Safety Documentation «time to prepare the safety clearance» C. ALANZEAU – 14.07.2016 14/07/2016 C.Alanzeau - EN/HDO H. BREUKER / C. ALANZEAU
ELENA Safety Documentation - Where do we stand? Check List (HSE) Design Safety Clearance (HSE) DSO Tests (BE) Installation HW Commissionning BEAM Commissioning Operation Today ?? (30.09.16?) (31.12.16?) Contributions to Descriptive and Demonstrative parts received for >80% of the systems owners. -Ion source -Ion switch -Power Converters -Magnets -Injection septum -Injection kicker -kicker generator -RF Cavity -Infrastructures: EL,CV Needed next before DSO test -Access system (+ EIS) -RP inputs -Beam instrumentation -B-Train -Electron cooler -Control systems -Emergency systems Except: Safety inspection reports Tests protocols Needed before starting the HW commissionning of -Vacuum system – ready. -Fast deflectors – ready. 14/07/2016 C.Alanzeau - EN/HDO
ELENA Safety Documentation Safety checks before hardware tests The HSE Unit checks the compliance of the Safety documentation Engineering documentation Safety documentation (2 parts) HSE inspections reports if applicable + «No non-conformity» HW tests protocol (presented during VICs) HSE Clearance 14/07/2016 C.Alanzeau - EN/HDO
ELENA Safety Documentation Safety checks before hardware tests + Documents attached to the ELENA project EDMS Node Example with TE/ABT fast deflectors Engineering Specification EDMS 1397387 «Released», Description of the system §4.4.4 of EDMS 1313189, Demonstration of safety compliance EDMS 1508599 Compliance to CERN safety rules (Eng Spec: §6 - Safety), Electrical safety inspection report (TE/ABT + HSE/SEE): IP3x, connections, distribution and grounding, Commissioning protocol to be presented to the VIC. Some assets have been defined as EIS-b for TL safety. 14/07/2016 C.Alanzeau - EN/HDO
ELENA Safety Documentation Safety checks before hardware tests + Documents attached to the ELENA project EDMS Node Example with TE/MSC electromagnets - Dipoles Engineering Specification EDMS 1315522 «Released», Description of the system §4.3.2 of EDMS 1313189, Demonstration of safety compliance EDMS 1508599 Compliance to CERN safety rules (Eng Spec: §4 - Safety), Electrical safety inspection report (TE/MSC + HSE/SEE): IP2x, DC connections and grounding, Commissioning protocol to be presented to the VIC (TE/MSC, TE/EPC, TE/MPE, HSE/SEE, EN/EA) 14/07/2016 C.Alanzeau - EN/HDO
ELENA Safety Documentation Now it is your responsibility to check… Your system’ Safety Documentation: Engineering documentation «Released» : EDMS __________ EDMS 1313189 - _________ EDMS 1508599 - _________ + EDMS _________ Missing parts? Please contact asap the Safety File Editor. Reference? Check your § Check your § Reference? EDMS ref. can be a document or a node 14/07/2016 C.Alanzeau - EN/HDO