International Sport
“ Sport brings people of all races together, regardless of their differences”.
Benefits Gives players/supporters the opportunity to meet and develop friendships. Unites people from different races, cultures, classes in a shared interest. It gives the best athletes the opportunity to compete against the best. It spreads interest in sport and encourages more people to play.
International Events FIFA World Cup and UEFA Cup Football. Commonwealth and (IOC) Winter and Summer Olympic Games. ICC Cricket World Cup. IRB Rugby World Cup and European Cup. FIA Formula 1 Motor Racing.
Hosting the Events The host is the city or country staging the events. The venue is the stadium where it is held.
Advantages of playing Host Prestige – Honour to hold Olympics. Unites a country, sense of pride. Gives a boost to sports facilities. “Cities improve or build new facilities that are used long after the event has finished”. Event may make a a lot of money. “Atlanta Games in 1996 made $13m profit”.
Disadvantages If it runs into problems the city/country may lose money. “Montreal Olympics 1976 – lost $1 billion “ An event that attracts hooligans puts strain on local police (football). Large influx of people puts strain on local amenities. Security risk of high profile games. If event is a failure a country’s image suffers.
International Sport and Politics It can promote peace and understanding. A country may decide to boycott an event for political reasons.
International Sport & Money Can be expensive to host an event. Poor countries can’t afford them. Rich countries can’t afford them unless sponsored and the sale of broadcast rates. “It cost the UK £13m to just bid for the Olympics in 2012. Some people think international sport is now too commercial.