Community Services Infrastructure Development
Infrastructure Development – What we do Consulting with communities Delivering projects throughout the territory Research and best practices Take part in advisory councils, boards and commitees Collaborate with other departments roads, water, wastewater, green energy, bridges, solid waste projects some recreation facilities, fire halls and other infrastructure.
Types of projects Water & Wastewater Municipal Roads & Bridges Landfills, Transfer Stations and Recycling depots Recreation facilities Fire halls Green energy projects
Infrastructure Programs Key federal infrastructure programs currently being delivered: Small Communities Fund (SCF) $342M Priority of the fund is on municipal-type infrastructure Fully allocated Clean Water and Wastewater Fund (CWWF) $68.5M Fund is solely dedicated to water and wastewater infrastructure Gas Tax Fund (GTF) $163M Municipal type projects 25% to FNs, 68% to municipalities and 7% to unincorporated Yukon
Future Funding Long Term Infrastructure Plan The federal government has announced more funding Canada wide under the LTIP Not sure yet how much of this funding Yukon will receive Potential categories are social housing, recreation, public transit, green energy, projects that support trade and small & remote communities Cash flow forecasts for all programs are $55-$65M per year for the next 10 years
Project Distribution by Category
Planning & Implementation IDB delivers infrastructure projects on behalf of other YG branches and communities HPW delivers highway and highway bridge infrastructure projects (IDB administers federal funding) 1-3 year planning periods prior to construction are required Organization of the branch
Start /Advertised Date Project Name Construction Tender RFP Start /Advertised Date Marsh Lake Fire Hall Water Treatment Plant x April 2017 Ross River Recycling Centre January 2017 Burwash Landing Recycling Centre Spring 2017 Water Treatment Hardware Upgrades Summer 2017 Watson Reservoir Watson Wet Well Faro Pumphouse Watson Force Main Replacement Mayo Reservoir Mayo Infrastructure Dawson - Turner Street Dawson - York Street Lift Station Dawson - 5th Avenue Water and Sewer from King to Princess Dawson - Craig Street Tower and Water/Sewer Klondike Calley Pump Station Upgrades Dawson - 5th Avenue Water and Sewer from Princess to Craig Winter 2018 Dawson - King Street Forcemain and 2nd and 3rd Water/Sewer Haines Junction Lagoon Upgrades Ross River Lagoon Burwash Water Treatment Plant Haines Junction Infrastructure Upgrades RR Bridge X Winter 2017 Mayo Lift Station Upgrades Old Crow Lagoon Upgrades