14.9.15 This week... Parents comments: WB 14.9.15 This week... Our topic for this half term is ‘Go, go gadget!’ This week our learning has been focused on ... 14.9.15 This week... Parents comments: Phonic Sounds In phonic lessons we are making lots of words with a CVCC or CCVC pattern, such as mend, damp, bend, frog. There is a game at http://www.galacticphonics.com/blends/interactive/cvccspell/cvccspell.htm to spell some of these words. The blending bingo game at http://www.ictgames.com/blendingBingo_LS.html is really useful for reading a range of these words. Weekly challenge Can your child find all the gadgets in the home. I’m sure most modern home has a huge amount of technology that we have come to rely on. Take them on a tour of the home, going into each room and finding any gadgets. Which room has the most? Which has the least? Can the children write a list on a page of this book to let me know of all the different pieces of technology? Literacy This week the children have started writing lists, labels and captions. You could get them to help you make a list for a shopping trip and then ask them to find the items in the shop. The steps to success are: one item on each line, place all the items underneath each other, only quick words written in a theme. In Numeracy The children have been finding one more and one less, using numbers to 30. This can be a game played while in the car. Just keep asking for one more and one less of a number. The class have also been learning how to write numbers in words to 20. There is a fun ordering game on the website: http://www.roythezebra.com/reading-games/high-frequency-words-numbers.html or for those confident with their spelling then try ; http://mrcrammond.com/games/literacy/blastoff.swf Guided Reading You may have noticed that your child is reading less on a one-to-one with an adult and is instead reading in a guided group. This is my preferred method of teaching reading skills.. It is a great way for the children to learn from each other and build on their discussion and listening skills. Please continue to write notes in the reading record. Our topic for this half term is ‘Go, go gadget!’ This week our learning has been focused on ... WB 14.9.15 This week... Parents comments: Phonic Sounds In phonic lessons we are making lots of words with a CVCC or CCVC pattern, such as mend, damp, bend, frog. There is a game at http://www.galacticphonics.com/blends/interactive/cvccspell/cvccspell.htm to make some of these words. The blending bingo game at http://www.ictgames.com/blendingBingo_LS.html Weekly challenge Can your child find all the gadgets in the home. I’m sure most modern home has a huge amount of technology that we have come to rely on. Take them on a tour of the home, going into each room and finding any gadgets. Which room has the most? Which has the least? Can the children write a list on a page of this book to let me know of all the different pieces of technology? Literacy This week the children have started writing lists, labels and captions. You could get them to help you make a list for a shopping trip and then ask them to find the items in the shop. The steps to success are: one item on each line, place all the items underneath each other, only quick words written in a theme. In Numeracy The children have been finding one more and one less, using numbers to 30. This can be a game played while in the car. Just keep asking for one more and one less of a number. The class have also been learning how to write numbers in words to 20. There is a fun ordering game on the website: http://www.roythezebra.com/reading-games/high-frequency-words-numbers.html or for those confident with their spelling then try ; http://mrcrammond.com/games/literacy/blastoff.swf Guided Reading You may have noticed that your child is reading less on a one-to-one with an adult and is instead reading in a guided group. This is my preferred method of teaching reading skills.. It is a great way for the children to learn from each other and build on their discussion and listening skills. Please continue to write notes in the reading record.