Emissions Tracking and Types of Emission Estimates Melinda Ronca-Battista, ITEP
Tracking Needs The Users could be different tribes, or facilities all reporting to a tribe The Data Translator would be TEISS, it takes data from the real world and puts it into the “EI Standard” format The “EI Standard” format is the National Emission Inventory Input Format (NIF) – a database format. EPA and all the RPO’s use NIF Once the data is in NIF and has been submitted to the NEI or an RPO database, the arrows point to different uses it could be put to. Data in NIF can be used for Model Input Creation, the models and their outputs are used to make decisions for the things the arrows point to from there.
Reported Emissions Regulatory based Emissions estimates reported to a regulatory agency May be basis of permit fees
Actual Emissions Actual rate of emissions of pollutant from source Obtained from actual Operating hours Production rate Throughput What you’ll be calculating for your EI
Allowable Emissions Based on permitted emission rate Obtained from permit Operating rate or activity level (tons per hour) Operating schedule (hours per year) Source is allowed to emit up to this much pollution; they may actually emit less (or more!) If tribe does permitting, sets allowable emission rate
Potential Emissions Maximum capability of a source to emit Calculated using unit’s maximum design capacity Function of unit’s physical size and operational capabilities
TEISS Emission Calculators TEISS calculators include Emission Factors – so you can estimate actual OR potential emissions Easy data entry – tells you what data you need to collect Does some math for you Emission Factor: relates emissions of pollutant to activity level, such as amount of fuel used, or garbage burned, or miles driven, or…. The users will still need to do some math to get the right numbers to put into TEISS. For example, if you collect data that says that 1000 homes are using burn barrels, and each one burns approximately 10 lbs of garbage a week. The user will have to multiply the homes x lbs of garbage burned a week x 52 weeks in a year x 1 ton/2000 lbs to get the thing that TEISS asks for in the calculator, Tons of garbage burned per year.
Emissions Estimation Tools – Introduction to TEISS Calculators
TEISS Calculators Open calculator See what data you’ll need to enter Print data collection sheet Visit AP-42 website to see details on source and emission estimating method Finish list of reservation sources